If hunting : EDIT..I sold an M3 to buy the epoch
Much lighter and easy to carry.
Often suffer from low velocity first shot after sitting.
Heavy like a tank
Electronic trigger is dangerously light. Diligence in using the safety switch is a must
Just Shooting:
More precisely tunable for very low ES and SD
Much more involved tuning. May be a more precise bench gun.
Very accurate, quiet and air efficient when tuned well.
More easily tuned but I have yet to be able to fine tune as well as an FX. Mine shooting 33.95 about a 14 ES is as good as I can get. Hasn’t mattered for my shooting out to 75 but if you are competing for money maybe it would

. Super accurate though. Easily moa at 50.
Is loud with stock mod. I bought a Donny adapter and buck rail mod. Much better.
I never did a direct test or anything but the Skout seems less air efficient than the FX.
I never really had to do any in-depth maintenance on the impact or the Skout. However I’ve watched all the videos. The epoch seems much easier to get into and do whatever you need. I have no doubt that parts or service support will be a bit better and faster with Skout. I have called them several times and either talked with someone right away or the lady that answered had someone calm me back and it was same day. A+. Skout is American made right in PA. Can’t beat that. I think it wins this aspect for sure. Was a major deciding factor in me going with one.
Edit—— missed kind of a big negative of the epoch. When storing the gun it needs to be stored empty. I would like to point out you don’t need to drain the tank. It has an on off valve. Only the gun needs to be drained however this is wasted air each and every time. So far it seems when I degass and air back up the next time the bottle loses about 200 psi overall. Not a ton but worth pointing out.