Skout Skout Epoch owners

I got some questions as the new Compact version is coming out. I'm interested but have some questions for you with experience with the guns.

If I'm not mistaken I think I remember you need to degas everytime your done with the gun? Is that just if your not going to use it for a day or 2 or say a couple hours?

How are the first shot FPS from the guns after sitting for awhile? Do they have Stiction?

How long does it take from power up to when you can take your first shot?

Using my guns in pesting situations I'm curious if this is a gun that can be realistically used. I've been blessed with my Taipan Long and Evol Mini where I can leave them sitting forever and know they will hit where I need them to first shot. Being these guns are used for competition and doubt many using them in pesting situations little things like my concerns don't matter much.

I like the size and weight of the Compact, the fact they come with the LW barrel, great power, forward cocking and a big magazine would be really nice. Could also tune for slugs easily during the windy season which would be nice. And price for what you get seems very reasonable nowadays.
I got some questions as the new Compact version is coming out. I'm interested but have some questions for you with experience with the guns.

If I'm not mistaken I think I remember you need to degas everytime your done with the gun? Is that just if your not going to use it for a day or 2 or say a couple hours?

How are the first shot FPS from the guns after sitting for awhile? Do they have Stiction?

How long does it take from power up to when you can take your first shot?

Using my guns in pesting situations I'm curious if this is a gun that can be realistically used. I've been blessed with my Taipan Long and Evol Mini where I can leave them sitting forever and know they will hit where I need them to first shot. Being these guns are used for competition and doubt many using them in pesting situations little things like my concerns don't matter much.

I like the size and weight of the Compact, the fact they come with the LW barrel, great power, forward cocking and a big magazine would be really nice. Could also tune for slugs easily during the windy season which would be nice. And price for what you get seems very reasonable nowadays.
Hi Dairyboy
i'll try to answer a few of your questions;
For the de-gassing, if you are going to use it the next day ..really doesn't need to be de-gassed..Mostly for periods over a few days. Less stress on the valve system
The Skout's have a first shot compensation will add a few mili -seconds on the air release for 1st is adjustable, though i have never messed with it.
For a power-up, all you need to do is pressurrize the rifle..turn it on...hit the safety, and you are ready to fire.
The rifle hold POI VERY well ..can't say how they compare to thhe 2 rifles you mention, but the accuracy is benchrest quality
hope this helps
Edit: I just noticed that the compact does not have a shut off valve...hmm unsure on how it is supposed to be degassed..using the bleed knob would empty the bottle...hmmm
Ok..I spoke with Keith at Skout about the de-gassing
His response was that de-gassing was not necessary, but if you are storing for a long period(weeks), he suggested to unscew the bottle from the rifle.
the bottle has a pin valve in it, so the air in the tank will remain while the air in the rifle is exhausted
I notice no (at least significant) first shot being slow. Which is nice as my impact did it and the very expensive delta wolf does it. The epoch is right there from the start. My understanding with degassing is that it is not necessary. You won’t damage anything but the regulators self vent which is nice as it allows you to turn the reg down under pressure but if you leave it pressurized for prolonged periods it will vent and it will seem like the gun has a leak when it in fact does not. I personally would probably fit it with an evo on/off if it didn’t add too much weight. As for hunting the push button safety and electro trigger take getting used to. That trigger is light so diligent safety use is a must. The negative with the safety is there is really no feel like a mechanical safety. The only way you know you have successfully engaged it is by looking for the button to be lit up or not. Not terrible just different. I much prefer the safety on my delta wolf in comparison. Overall they are great shooters and built like tanks. I would just wait to get absolute verification on weight. I don’t take manufacturers initial words on such specs.
I got some questions as the new Compact version is coming out. I'm interested but have some questions for you with experience with the guns.

If I'm not mistaken I think I remember you need to degas everytime your done with the gun? Is that just if your not going to use it for a day or 2 or say a couple hours? NON ISSUE

How are the first shot FPS from the guns after sitting for awhile? Do they have Stiction? Non Issue with no detectable sticksion

How long does it take from power up to when you can take your first shot? If charged up with air ... getting switch on and safety off @ 5-8 seconds
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Thanks all for the replies. Glad to hear it sounds like my concerns really shouldn't be a worry at all. @Vetmx you make a good point. Maybe comparing to my Vet and Evol isn't fair as it's a totally different kind of gun. I'll definitely be thinking about this more. Heck Luke reached out to me via PM to call and help answer my questions. I'll need to get back to him but that is pretty impressive customer service IMO which is also a driver in interest in one of these.
Thanks all for the replies. Glad to hear it sounds like my concerns really shouldn't be a worry at all. @Vetmx you make a good point. Maybe comparing to my Vet and Evol isn't fair as it's a totally different kind of gun. I'll definitely be thinking about this more. Heck Luke reached out to me via PM to call and help answer my questions. I'll need to get back to him but that is pretty impressive customer service IMO which is also a driver in interest in one of these.
I have a few questions also. Hopefully I’ll get to chat with someone this week so I can either buy one or move on. I’ve put a halt to me jumping calibers and barrel lengths with my P2. It was the absolute easiest gun I’ve ever owned to do so and it was getting ridiculous. Now I have a vacancy for one of the hats that gun used to wear so I’m shopping. Having multiples of the same gun in different calibers is not a direction I want to go again to fill the void so the Scout is at the top of the list. And no, I don’t plan to shoot slugs out of it. I have that covered in every caliber. Need a good pellet gun that’s not a giant beast.
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I really like how they moved the charging port on the new compact to behind the grip inserts.
Always improving their designs with more user friendly features.
Charging port kit is only $20 for existing Epoch owners fyi. I ordered that with my parts to go from .30 to a LW .22 yesterday. As well as the skeletonized buttstock. So if anyone is wanting a 3 barrel .30 setup I'll probably be posting it and the BR stock.
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