N/A Skout Evo vs Daystate Red Wolf

I'm still trying to decide on a "big purchase" new gun. I'm shopping .22 caliber and I want a versatile gun that is precise up to 100 yards.

I like the Evo a lot on paper, as I do most of my shooting at a range with benches. But I'm not sure I want to completely give up the idea of other types of offhand shooting due to its weight. I do like buying from an American company, especially if the USA starts trade wars with Europe. I like how Skout builds their guns for ease of service and repair.

And now the Red Wolf. I've actually held one (unlike the Evo) and it's very comfortable in the hand. I hear it's very accurate as well. I like how it adjusts automatically to changing bottle pressure. I don't know if the Evo does this. What I'm not crazy about is being stuck with one caliber on something this expensive. The accessories are also pricey - I like spare magazines.

I'd love to get some buying advice from those who have owned one or both of these. Thanks!
I have the EVO in. 22 now with the LW Poly carbon bull barrel.
I had a Red Wolf for some time but did end up selling it.

Both are Great guns but...
If I had to make a choice between the 2 today I would buy the Skout here is why..
1) Built in the USA and Customer Service is 2nd to none, you call them, and they will build the gun for You and your specific needs
2) Accuracy - Skout wins this battle in the hands of a wider range of shooters
3) Versatility- you want to be able to change calibers, it doesn't get much easier
4) Magazines- Skout is a 30 round mag for same price as the Daystate 10 round (so to get to the base 30rd Skout you are adding an additional 200.00 for the extra mags)
5) Price- Call them for quote, you will be surprised at the result

These are just a few of the reasons I would go Skout..

Now I would like to say there is Not going to be that 1 gun that is the do all/be all and I believe you have figured that out by reading through your posts.
The EVO and the Red Wolf are and would be great Target paper punchers. The EVO is too heavy to be a hunter all day and it would be criminal to take a Beautiful Red Wolf out in wild and beat that stock up...

So might I suggest buying the Evo as target gun and with the extra money you will be saving in doing so have a helluva head start to a good, designated hunter that you could actually take out in the field..
Maybe look into one of these as your hunter, it is a bad bitch for that purpose https://www.airgunrevisions.com/product/m257-bulldog-standard-high-tuning/

Hope this helps and Good Luck to ya'!
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I have the EVO in. 22 now with the LW Poly carbon bull barrel.
I had a Red Wolf for some time but did end up selling it.

Both are Great guns but...
If I had to make a choice between the 2 today I would buy the Skout here is why..
1) Built in the USA and Customer Service is 2nd to none, you call them, and they will build the gun for You and your specific needs
2) Accuracy - Skout wins this battle in the hands of a wider range of shooters
3) Versatility- you want to be able to change calibers, it doesn't get much easier
4) Magazines- Skout is a 30 round mag for same price as the Daystate 10 round
5) Price- Call them for quote, you will be surprised at the result

These are just a few of the reasons I would go Skout..

Now I would like to say there is Not going to be that 1 gun that is the do all/be all and I believe you have figured that out by reading through your posts.
The EVO and the Red Wolf are and would be great Target paper punchers. The EVO is too heavy to be a hunter all day and it would be criminal to take a Beautiful Red Wolf out in wild and beat that stock up...

So might I suggest buying the Evo as target gun and with the extra money you will be saving in doing so have a helluva head start to a good, designated hunter that you could actually take out in the field..
Maybe look into one of these as your hunter, it is a bad bitch for that purpose https://www.airgunrevisions.com/product/m257-bulldog-standard-high-tuning/

Hope this helps and Good Luck to ya'!
Or you buy a RW Safari AND a PRS chassis and use the Safari stock for hunting and the PRS chassis for bench
I have the EVO in. 22 now with the LW Poly carbon bull barrel.
I had a Red Wolf for some time but did end up selling it.

Both are Great guns but...
If I had to make a choice between the 2 today I would buy the Skout here is why..
1) Built in the USA and Customer Service is 2nd to none, you call them, and they will build the gun for You and your specific needs
2) Accuracy - Skout wins this battle in the hands of a wider range of shooters
3) Versatility- you want to be able to change calibers, it doesn't get much easier
4) Magazines- Skout is a 30 round mag for same price as the Daystate 10 round (so to get to the base 30rd Skout you are adding an additional 200.00 for the extra mags)
5) Price- Call them for quote, you will be surprised at the result

These are just a few of the reasons I would go Skout..

Now I would like to say there is Not going to be that 1 gun that is the do all/be all and I believe you have figured that out by reading through your posts.
The EVO and the Red Wolf are and would be great Target paper punchers. The EVO is too heavy to be a hunter all day and it would be criminal to take a Beautiful Red Wolf out in wild and beat that stock up...

So might I suggest buying the Evo as target gun and with the extra money you will be saving in doing so have a helluva head start to a good, designated hunter that you could actually take out in the field..
Maybe look into one of these as your hunter, it is a bad bitch for that purpose https://www.airgunrevisions.com/product/m257-bulldog-standard-high-tuning/

Hope this helps and Good Luck to ya'!
I'm definitely not hunting anything beyond backyard pest control. But I was thinking more about offhand shooting competitions in the future. I'm not that serious though, I just want to enjoy myself. Thank you for the detailed reply! And especially for the info on getting a quote, since I will be buying a lot of accessories as well.
Is there something special about the Safari besides the stock? I like the looks of the walnut the most.
The Safari stocks are a weird textured stock, if you do a youtube search there is one particular video that goes into a little detail about it.. cant search for it for ya at the moment...
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Both great guns I’m sure although I’ve owned neither. Lol. I do have an epoch and a delta wolf though so can relate. I would lean toward the Skout. It is so much more versatile than the daystate without spending more money. You can infinitely change the Skout tune without buying a tuner. Skout has better mags and caliber swapping seems it would be cheaper and much easier on the Skout. Made in USA for Skout is a plus if you live there. Great customer service for Skout as well. Not sure about the redwolf but unlike the delta wolf you can actually turn a Skout rifle off.
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I've only been interested in long barrels so far, but you raise a good point. I have to think about that! Maybe as a second barrel later on. Good suggestion!
Just an FYI ... The SKOUT standard barrel ( Non Compact version ) is 25" which is already longer than most long rifles making the Skout already long barreled ;) Opt for the Long barrel on a Skout your talking @ 35" :love:
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I have owned both…

Red Wolf - You are talking about technology that is years old, albeit very good technology. Might be best to wait and see what the new rifle is this week… They are great rifles, but the limit of 3 settings does kinda suck. I replaced mine with the Helliboard and it was a big improvement with many more settings to choose from. It would still be nice to have smaller adjustments for weather and altitude and such quickly be able to be made on the fly, but you can program those. The regular programming kinda sucks because it isn’t intuitive and you must buy a programmer. It is a rifle platform, so it gets really long too. I like that it comes with an adjustable cheek, but you do need to add something to allow for a bipod, because you get nothing factory. I found that as long as I didn’t fill over 230bar (even on later models), my ES/SD were MUCH better as it did affect speeds. I still like the rifle, but I wish it came in an affordable chassis and had more settings. I would probably still have one.

Evo - Great company and excellent customer service. I owned the Epoch and the Evo. The Evo looked like it would be the perfect upgrade for me with the slight format change. You can have the 35” barrel and still be shorter than a RW. Accuracy is proving to be stellar on this rifle, as good or better than we saw with RW’s. No addons are required to go out and shoot on a bench, but the longer ARCA is nice. I personally don’t like the newer higher powered reg in the Evo vs the Epoch. I never had issues with the Epoch but the design of the new reg is a bit of a pain. The changes to allow for higher pressures has drawbacks. The leaking issues are just aggravating to deal with, even after replacements of orings and full regs. Seems like most people just work around it. Barrels swaps couldn’t be any easier than how easy they have made it. It can also be had cheaper than a RW.

Because I have owned both and am looking for a new rifle… asking me which I would choose, I choose neither because I can honestly say I have sold both. Hard to say right now what I would choose over either though as they are both at the top best options list. I am having a hard time choosing now as well, and I’m waiting to see what the new Black Wolf is like before making any choices.
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