I just picked up a Slavia 618, made in Czechoslovakia. The flea market seller said it used to belong to his dad and it had been in the family for 30+ years. It is in good condition and shoots well, but not real powerful.
I bought my second Slavia today, another 618. I plan to get my other one out, that I bought a couple of months ago and compared the serial numbers. It shoots well but I have not signed it in yet.
Hot dog! I gave the rear sight one lite tap and tried it. At 15 yards, sitting, without a rest I can hit this target consistently. Probably 7 out of 10.
I bought one at our local small town sporting goods store when I was a kid, 69 now! Any way it was 15 bucks new. My buddy had a Crosman 760 that was more powerful but the Czech rifle put it to shame in the accuracy department. His mom put a 50 cent bounty on chipmunks so we were after them relentlessly , not that we needed any incentive
a number of years ago I found one at a yard sale,. The old man said he had it as a kid. Got it home and got it apart. As a kid, the former owner had cut nails into tiny pieces and used them for pellets. A bunch of them worked into the piston tube, the leather piston was full of them. I made a new leather piston seal, cleaned everything and lubed it. Very accurate for close range, maybe 400 FPS(?) I tied a knot on the end of a string and hung it on a tree branch. I could hit that knot every time. mouse gun! lol I wouldn't mind finding another.