Slight mod

No it's not a shotgun just a springer jumping around. To combat this I have added a weight to the barrel and during my trials the gun recoils back but no jumping about, in I don't hold the rifle just cradle it... I'll post a few targets later this week.


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Lots of dynamic movement with a springer, most of mine like a gentle hold so they can do their thing during the shot cycle. Dampening or constraining the movement hasn't worked for me.

More details please... Airgun? Pellet? What range are you shooting at?

I put a sticker on to an old target and fired 2 shots NO jumping just recoil over 10m using Excite finale LG4.50

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Probably a hold issue, and getting more familiarized with your rifle, but reference to a 'slight mod' reminded me of this write up

Heres an interesting article if things continue being obstinate

Trust you get it worked out-
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