They should expand better at short range than long range because they will be going faster. Even without expansion the hollow point creates a flat nose creating a bit of a slap. I don't see an issue.
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It sounds like you want and need a better initial energy dump into these critters. The soft.lead and deep hollow point cavity of the FX Hybrids are going to give you this good energy dump performance and good longer range balistic as well.I shoot rats at high energy (60 joule in .22 or 80 joule in .25). that's indeed way more than needed. But I use my guns as well for longer range shooting and in windy climate. Hence the high power tune with rather heavy pellets. In the 25 I use regular (non hunting) pellets. They usually do not pass through. Slugs still to try.
But even at this high power, it's not easy to down rats on the spot. Usually they jump a few meters even with a good shot in the vitals. Not Nutria sized, but the bigger ones weigh about 1kg.
and as I want to shoot them exactly where I want I use the pellet (or slug) which is the
Yes, $16 for 100 slugs for rats? Or sub $8 for CPHPs for 500 pellets? Which will still simply wreck the rats…? If you “polled”, properly shot rats? You would get “zero” protestations… Witness this sucker getting hit with a lowly CPHP. I almost, almost felt sorry for it. It was simply devastated. BRK Atomic XR, sending at 725 FPS, rat at 18-20 yards…It sounds like you want and need a better initial energy dump into these critters. The soft.lead and deep hollow point cavity of the FX Hybrids are going to give you this good energy dump performance and good longer range balistic as well.
Airgun Slugs FX Hybrid MKII 6.35 mm 26.3 grain (.250)
I do not disagree with you. I'm a pellet shooter, as well as slugs, and balance the cost and performance of each. For dispacting critters and vermin pests each have their place for everyone's different needs. Because the poster said that he wanted results over money spent, the Hybrid's are the ticket.Yes, $16 for 100 slugs for rats? Or sub $8 for CPHPs for 500 pellets? Which will still simply wreck the rats…? If you “polled”, properly shot rats? You would get “zero” protestations… Witness this sucker getting hit with a lowly CPHP. I almost, almost felt sorry for it. It was simply devastated. BRK Atomic XR, sending at 725 FPS, rat at 18-20 yards…
I could post up a few more vids of “threaded” shots through fences, wires, etc., as you describe but won’t. Have killed hundreds of rats, its not rocket science. Pattern them and have at it…If you can get head shots that is nice, I am constantly shooting through fences, and my terrible.rats dont sit still and smile for the camera. Lol, gotta take alot of body shots.