So the slugs weren't accurate ? Or was the power in the cricket lacking ? I'm still tuning- playing with the Cricket. It's shooting 1000 fps with the 25.39's. It shoots the 33.95's at 883. I was really surprised at 18-20 yards, either pellet will stack up in the same hole. I made some targets tracing a washer 5/16" on old cardboard boxes. I easily hit near dead center with both the 25's. I went out next with the grizzlies (shooting 900fps) and was hitting at 2, thru 4 oclock maybe .25-.35 spread at 20 yards. I tried the 33's and with NO scope adjustments they shot the same as the lighter pellets. I then alternate loaded 6 and 6. It duplicated the near exact center hits regardless of the pellet. I was the surprised one, as it does not work the same with the .22 shooting the 15.89's, and then changing to the 18's. (.22 tuned to 880 with 18's) I've read where the diablo pellet operates most accurately on the 930 fps range, and I believe yrrah compares the grizzly shape to a subsonic .22 and mentions a higher speed is needed. Shooting at one inch Christmas balls at a range of 75 yards by aiming at the bottom of the ball with the 25 grain, and the top of the ball with the 33's the gun was better than 80 percent. (bipod and rear bag) shooting quickly off a tailgate. I'm on the last of the first run of the 33's and expecting the second style any day, if they shoot as good as the first run, I'll do about a 1/4 turn on the regulator and see what that gives me. Reg is now 54mm now, and this is the most accurate gun I've used.