By the time I had my list of questions (had to look up tons of words because know zilch) Pyramid Air was closed so will call first thing in the morning.Problem is if you shoot them and miss you will shoot through the vinyl fence even at low velocity and light pellets. Can you put 2“ x 8” wood in front of the fence or areas you plan to shoot them? If so, then a gun might work but those automatic BB guns or AirSoft guns won’t phase them so don’t waste your money. If you call Pyramid Air be sure and tell them about the close fence. I doubt they will recommend any guns if they know about the fence.
Call more exterminators. I would use bucket drowning traps or poison.
I have begun the switch to feeding the rats on the retaining wall and ground so I don't destroy the fence. Will the pellets chip concrete?
Have not tried bucket drowning because some of these rats are huge and they climb up sheer walls all the time.
I will call another exterminator, mainly because they have a "2nd generation anticoagulant poison" that has a remedy if dogs get into it.
First thing everybody says is get the numbers of rats down, kill as many rats as possible first. With the glue traps plus the gun I will definitely be able to kill hundreds of rats.
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