Smoke from Canada ruining my range day. :(

Wednesday afternoons are the one day the local public range is open during the week. Wanted to get out for some shooting and to test some changes. But, man the smoke in the Northeast blowing down from the Canadian forrest fires is really thick and bad smelling today here in CT. I don't think I've ever experienced anything like this in my lifetime and it's crimping my style, lol. My folks have said it's really bad down in NYC today as well. Anyone else dealing with this?
We usually get smoke from Canada but we're on opposite side of the country and none here. We had it from 2 days about 3-4 weeks ago though. Definitely not fun. Nothing beats in SoCal many years ago where the sky was dark for a week and they cancelled all sports and outdoor things at school. We seem to get it usually later in summer. Last year we didn't have anything though so we'll see. Hope they get the fires out soon though
Our Front yard 2 years ago ( Caldor fire )
Us out west have had 6 years now of Fire after fire .. it sucks having all the smoke & do give you all much sympathy


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John Kerry days ee will need to shut down all power plants and not drive cats for a year or 2 to off set the carbon from the fire or its doom and gloom. Sea water will rise and flood coastal areas. You know like they cried that wolf 30 years ago and funny im still high and dry .. go figure. Ua, that global warming and climate change bumch is fixing to have a field day to screw the public with there nonsense scare tactics.

Then i guess making your kitchen gas stove illegal taks more priority.. then cows farting next.
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