Snowpeak PP20 10m pistol information/experiences?

I've been eyeing a Snowpeak PP20 for a better 10m-ish pistol that I can primarily shoot indoors in my apartment with paper thin walls, and I was wondering if anyone had any experience with the pistol? I know the last time they were discussed was months ago so I wonder if anyone has up-to-date info to share about it! Would a LP50 moderator adapter fit if it ended up being too loud for my use case?
I'd think anyone on this forum that has a PP20 would post something right away. You might have to be the guinea pig.:oops:;)
To get a PP20 or ... maybe a HW44... too many decisions!
Not sure of the pp20 but I just recently acquired the pp800r. It's factory moderator is not bad. *also my first snowpeak 🤪🤙
How is the balance of that thing one-handed? I've thought about that too but always thought it looked way too long and front heavy.
To get a PP20 or ... maybe a HW44... too many decisions!

How is the balance of that thing one-handed? I've thought about that too but always thought it looked way too long and front heavy.
The HW44 is an entirely different beast. It's a fantastic shooter, but not a 10 meter competition pistol. With a scope and it's included moderator, it should be ok for your purpose.
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To get a PP20 or ... maybe a HW44... too many decisions!

How is the balance of that thing one-handed? I've thought about that too but always thought it looked way too long and front heavy.
With the stock wood grip its fine. Just that I gotta sand mine to fit my hand(needs bigger grooves/slightly more groove in some areas) so I converted mine to mini carbine for now


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