N/A So any new rifles coming out or should i just buy the panthera?

Not sure about “new” technically but here are a few. Undecided on this one. Leaning toward pretty ugly right now.

These two….for the money and what they are…maybe if they were the last airguns on earth.

Yeah, I just can’t justify the king because I don’t feel the GRS stock is worth the $650 or whatever price they place on it
I had a Crown MKII with a GRS stock and as you note, way over priced for what it brings to the package.
My issues with it were the pistol grip was way too large for my hands. People with larger hands probably find it comfortable.
Biggest problem was that once you have it adjusted to you, the adjustments become a moot point. You will never use them again. My next Crown was with the synthetic stock which I found much more comfortable for me.
I had a Crown MKII with a GRS stock and as you note, way over priced for what it brings to the package.
My issues with it were the pistol grip was way too large for my hands. People with larger hands probably find it comfortable.
Biggest problem was that once you have it adjusted to you, the adjustments become a moot point. You will never use them again. My next Crown was with the synthetic stock which I found much more comfortable for me.
Confused??….moot point. Isn’t the point of all the adjustability to be able to get it adjusted to yourself ? Once done of course you may never use them again or you may depending on clothing worn ?? Not saying it is worth 650 but I wouldn’t say the adjustability of it is ever a moot point.
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What do you want to do? Shoot pellets or slugs? If you want to shoot pellets at modest power then just about any descent quality pellet gun would do these days. Even cheap Chinese guns with some work would be really accurate. Shooting slugs on the other hand requires a lot more power and need the right barrel so stick with FX. Daystate have pretty guns but not quite my cup of tea.

The Panthera/Dynamic block won't change much next few years, they will come out with more flavors like the King though. M3 most likely will get a valve/block upgrade again but doubt design and form will change much, it's a very well proven platform that works amazingly well as a great all around gun. Panthera is a better on the bench for me just because I like longer traditional layout for the bench, other than that I like my impact more for everything else like carry around.
Look at the Taipan Veteran 2 tactical also. Reviews are superb but we all know about "sponsored" Reviews. That being said, I wish there was more real world feedback on it. It's the only gun I have any real curiosity about.
I know I love mine!!! It's in 25cal getting 100 per fill shooting 34gr FX KO at 960 fps.... 50 yards groups