So how’s your weather

Pennsylvania is Minot North Dakota. Yesterday was brutal. Today we are a balmy 3 degrees and only have winds up to 18mph. Yesterday the wind would blow the glasses off your face. If the wind direction wouldn’t have been blowing directly at my shooting port and turning my dining room into a freezer, I wanted to post some insane wind groups with various calibers and projectiles. Not happening.
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19 low, right now 27, freezing rain, starting to warm up should be gone tomorrow hopefully
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Clear and Cold, it's 23* here in Daingerfield Tx, it got down to 8* yesterday and froze the supply line to my hot water heater, crawl space too small for me to get under the house, so I got my 4" hole saw and drilled through the laundry room floor and hooked up the clothes dryer vent to the hole in the floor, pumped hot air under the house and that de-iced the pipes, got hot water again, one day I'm going to have to open up the floor and go under and insulate those pipes, or hire a very small person.....
Now that is resourceful!
It is currently only -6° with a wind chill of -10°. in North Dakota. We have had actual temps of -20° and wind chills to -60°. We have had 50 + inches of snow so far.
My bullet traps are under that 4ft snow drift.
It is supposed to warm up to seasonal temps of mid 20's this coming week so I plan on digging them out .

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so shoot and wait for the melt to score ?
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