Other So I bought a Baikal...

Thought I needed some Russian representation in my collection, plus, you know, with all the sanctions who knows how long we'll be able to get these.

So, the thing shoots to the moon, REALLY high. Un-adjustably high, sight-wise. So, I removed the rear sight and installed a red dot. MUCH better but- the thing will not group for a crap at 10 yards. I have tried all kind of pellets. Cleaned the barrel profusely and even took a good close look at the crown, seems ok. It has a really crappy trigger, but we're talking bench work here, so I can overcome most of that.

What the heck! Have any of you guys tried and overcome these things? It's about to become a safe queen!

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Have you checked the condition of the breech seal? I had purchased a used HW70 that shot crazy high - just like you are saying - couldn't adjust the sights even close. When I looked at how the barrel sat after being cocked I could see it pointing up. I checked the breech seal and it was beyond done. Simple $10 part and then it was shooting great. I think this could be your issue as a bad seal could let air out and lead to the poor shooting you describe as well.
Hmmm, I'll take a look at the seal. Can't really see why it would be bad, given that the pistol is new. But, this is Russian stuff and not generally known for high quality. Considering what I paid for it, it is really low quality. Phillips screws, star lock washers, poor fitment, crapnesium. Just not very well made at all. But, this is from the guys who brought us the Kalashnikovs (or so I have read)... it functions, but thats about it.
the last version of the 53M has a very questionable rear sight
the second version has a very good rear sight
i have a second version that i did a complete rebuild on and it turned out very well
but be warned they are a bitch to get apart with the bear trap they have
there are no parts or seal at a decent price, and they think the pistol is worth a fortune on Ebay but they are selling for 80 euro in Europe
it is hard to say what is going on with yours
i paid 50 buck for mine in factory box, they are in reality a 75.00 to 100.00 gun
Oh yes, I have an HW70 and many others. As I said, I collect air pistols.

So, I checked the seal, nope, good there, doesn't seem to have one. No gap between the barrel and pressure tube either. I think Marflow 777 hit the nail on the head, I got a bad version. Just can't believe they actually marketed such a thing...Russians. The reddot gets it on paper, guess I'll just keep trying more pellets untill I get one that it is happy with. I will say this, the chamber is tight, there is more resistance to pellet insertion than I am used to. Seems like Falcon pellets were a tad smaller ID wise, I'll give those a go next.

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OK, the loose Falcons did'nt work, couple inch group. Moving on thru several others I had on hand, I came to a newer tin of Apolo 8.4grain flat tops. These are a bit of a mixed bag, some are tight, others loose in the chamber. But, if sorted a little for the tighter ones, they group pretty good, maybe a half inch at 10m. And I do have to push them down into the chamber.

when they took the rear sight and made it also the rear cap the replacement was from a very good rear sight to one you saw broken on most of the guns being sold as used
i have been looking for the 2 version because it was a fun project to completely rework the power plant but the stupidity happened on Ebay where most were being sold
a 53m sold for 487.00 or close to that, absurd to the highest level and about a week later one sold for 532.00 if i remember right and at that point i know i would have to live with just one
so the guts the barrel and the function of version 1-2-3 should be all the same and why you have a shotgun is unknown
now i just got my 53M out and the trigger is better than a Diana model 6, it cocks like a dream because of all the internal work a did i must have change the trigger as well
any brown you see is a flash reflexsion

if this version was for sale at the price it should be under 100 bucks i would say buy one but that has change now
Yup, thats the version I have, same sight. Even came with a an extra blade. No amount of adjusting would bring it down to within 4" at 10m. I do like the spring loaded front sight, nice idea. I have a Tex (Czeck gun) that has the same thing. I need to run my borescope down the barrel and see what I can see.

It does cock easily, but the trigger is crappola...I am however getting used to it. I have two Diana mod 6's, comparing this to those is blasphemy, not even in the same universe. You just can't compare the German philosophy of "polish until you can't" to the Russian method of "cheap as possible"...IMHO.

All that said, I will tear it down and improve on what I can. It is my way, I love to tinker, no matter what the subject.

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so you need the shim the breech seal and i never worked on your trigger so that is my advantage
now on the model 6, i have nine of them and 3 model 10's but trigger are my thing, if the trigger is bad the gun is just so-so
i assume you have adjusted the trigger adjustment screw through the hole at the front of the trigger guard
i will guaranty you the trigger on my 53M is better than any model 6, it breaks with .5mm of movement and is light as a feather
i will take the grip off tomorrow and take a look it has 4.5 years since i worked on it so my memory could be light on facts but my finger tells me damn nice trigger and at least you have the good version
some more pictures
in the first picture you will see behind the trigger is a spring, and it is not the big one and it does nothing and before the trigger does anything you have to compress the spring
so instead of compressing the spring i made it solid by add a 3mm x 8mm grub screw and now the trigger has a positive feel
the front adjustment screw just controls where the trigger starts or take the up so with both you are controlling the release
sounds confusing but it not
one picture shows the white nylon spring guide hat i made that fits in the rear cap it has 2- .5mm stainless washers to act as a thrush bearing and the from has a small top hat with 2 more washers and of course the spring was polished and a new seal was installed
and the breech seal i do not remember but knowing me i changed it with something i had
So, I removed the gun from the stock to reveal the trigger adjustment screw. Could not turn it in... WTF! Took it out completely to inspect, the part of the frame that it screws into is like a square nut captured in a formed sheet metal tab. Well, that tab had not been drilled "just enough" thru and the screw could not pass. So I Dremelled it out with a ball end carbide cutter. Put the screw back in and adjusted it untill just before sear engagement. And that is not something you want to do with this pistol as it locks up the whole thing and requires a bit of fiddling to release. Trigger now "better", still a lot of takeup and the release is not the greatest...but better. Taking it all the way down and polishing the sear parts would no doubt add a bit more silkiness to it.

I greased it all up and oiled the main spring.

Finally found the breech seal, it's on the compression tube of all places. The only way to get at it is to remove the barrel. And the front half of the breech, the part that the barrel goes thru is, of all things, plastic. Nope, I'll just stick with the red dot. And the seal on this gun is phenominal all things considered. If I put my thumb over the muzzle and pull the trigger, it holds pressure for several seconds. And the barrel is like glass inside, very nice.

I said it before, I'll say it again, no comparison to a Mod 6. There is just no way you'd see parts sent out that did not work like that trigger adjustment nut. Kinda scares me what might be hiding inside it if I dig any deeper. Could you polish it up and make a great shooter of it? Yes, of course. But this one is goin' in my safe and will likely not see daylight much.

I fully acknowledge also that the Mod 6 is a 40 to 50 year old gun and cost a good bit more than the 53 which is a new built gun, we all know that stuff today is not generally made as well as in the past, particularly in consumer goods. Not that I ever meant for this to be a discussion to compare the Mod 6 to the 53, I didn't. It just came up.

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