So many bandits

I have a family of them hanging out in the tree behind my house. Best count is 4 to 5. They were all huddling together and cleaning each other.

Got a couple good pics, but could've been more clear if I zoomed back out. Fog on the lenses didn't help since we just got the cold front in after a week in the 100s.

Look at ole sleepy here...


here's one hanging out on the power pole.


Two more in the tree just a bit up from sleepy


Those two got up and moved to the other side were I had a safe shot where if I missed it's trees and creek back there. There was another one already over there.

I got this poor bastard getting ready for his nap.

I was getting chewed by skeeters and I pulled the shot on him. Pretty sure it just grazed the cheek and probably smacked the bone. Feel bad because I'm sure it hurt like hell. It climbed up and even looked down and signaled to the 2 others in the next clip to get outta there, but these are the dumbest coons I've ever seen. Not small, so I don't think they're young.
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This one was definitely DRT. I'm aiming a bit low on these shots because it's hitting about an inch high since I can't adjust low enough. Need to pull a shim or two out of the rear scope ring.

I heard it crash down at the base and you can see the blank stare after the hit. I still can't believe the other just sat there after 2 of them got shot. He ended up climbing up and hanging out on a branch, bit my neighbor came out with his crazy dog before I could get a shot off. It was gone after they went back in.

All shots taken with my m60b 30 cal with JTS 45 grain going 830ish. PARD DS35-70 filming.
Surprised you're not using the ballistic calculator. Good shot on that second one.
I haven't really spent much time with the scope to figure all of it's functions out. I don't even shoot the 30 cal that often since it's pretty loud with the factory moderator, and it has a oddball muzzle thread so I can't attach anything better. I could probaby have Donny make me a custom end for one of their mods, but im about done spending money right now on toys lol.
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Either mine are catching on to the live trap or I am finally getting most of them moved out of the area. 5 raccoons relocated and the trap sat for a night with nothing in it the next morning. The neighbor's trash does not appear to be raided either. A few more weekends of trapping and we will see how it goes.
I think they all relocated to my place!
Either mine are catching on to the live trap or I am finally getting most of them moved out of the area. 5 raccoons relocated and the trap sat for a night with nothing in it the next morning. The neighbor's trash does not appear to be raided either. A few more weekends of trapping and we will see how it goes.
How far do you relocate them after trapping? We usually move them 7-9 miles out
Only about a mile and a half but there is a large farm land area with the Mississippi river and then lots of residential area between me and the new location. Was thinking about tagging them to see if they return. Can't bring myself to kill them as they aren't damaging anything. Just being trash pandas.
Those raccoons will never go into another cage trap. Stop dropping your problems on your neighbors.
Those raccoons will never go into another cage trap. Stop dropping your problems on your neighbors.
You would think but I had one get caught in a Dog proof leg hold trap 2 times. 1st time he managed to get out, made a real mess of the area though. Certainly a struggle.

2nd time around I was ready for him and had a camera on the trap. Watched him tiptoe around the trap, tried to knock it over but in the end the marshmallows overcame his better judgement. Took a few days before he committed the 2nd time.

watched this guy on camera for days after the 1st escape. He would knock over the traps for the marshmallows. I actually baited without setting the traps to get him comfortable again.

The big boar did not escape the 2nd time.
You would think but I had one get caught in a Dog proof leg hold trap 2 times. 1st time he managed to get out, made a real mess of the area though. Certainly a struggle.

2nd time around I was ready for him and had a camera on the trap. Watched him tiptoe around the trap, tried to knock it over but in the end the marshmallows overcame his better judgement. Took a few days before he committed the 2nd time.

watched this guy on camera for days after the 1st escape. He would knock over the traps for the marshmallows. I actually baited without setting the traps to get him comfortable again.

The big boar did not escape the 2nd time.
I had one hit on a hand cuff and it destroyed my bait area/back stop trying to get out. He ended up struggling so hard it lifted the j hook rebar out of the ground and he pulled the chain off it and was gone. No coon or cuff. So he's somewhere with 3 paws now. Or dead.

I ordered a couple more cuffs and will weld the chain to a 4 foot rebar driven to the end in the ground this time. I have no less than 6 of them still coming thru every night or so, even after dropping 3 within the last month.
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What's the sport of using a cuff? I built a bong/feeder from PVC pipe to teach the coon how to use a cuff, but later just use the bong and Harbor Freight garage alarm, or webcam. More sporting and I don't have to remove the cuff and have everything torn up around it. The bong filled with dry cat food. They hang around for many minutes so you can take your time for the lineup the best shot. Drill drain holes on the bottom or rain may make a mess, smelling worst the vomit and sewage. Note the angled access spout. My 1st version copied many seen online with a horizontal tube. Not good as skunks and opossums can clean it out too. Making the tube long enough and angled up stops the other critters and slows how fast the coons can eat. I still have seen mice and rats go inside :(

Raccoons fighting over who take a hit from the bong.
Wow yes! Looks like you’ve got yourself a little problem there. The fun kind of course :). How far are these suckers? They look up there a ways. You have lrf on your pard? Just curious I guess. That glancing blow on the face has me scratching my head… I might switch to FX hybrid slugs. They will retain more energy, don’t need any more power than a pellet to be shot out, and they expand quickly if they penetrate. Might give you a bit of a straighter more forgiving shot than a pellet, and hit a bit harder. Otherwise have fun .:). You can always get them tonight :).
What's the sport of using a cuff? I built a bong/feeder from PVC pipe to teach the coon how to use a cuff, but later just use the bong and Harbor Freight garage alarm, or webcam. More sporting and I don't have to remove the cuff and have everything torn up around it. The bong filled with dry cat food. They hang around for many minutes so you can take your time for the lineup the best shot. Drill drain holes on the bottom or rain may make a mess, smelling worst the vomit and sewage. Note the angled access spout. My 1st version copied many seen online with a horizontal tube. Not good as skunks and opossums can clean it out too. Making the tube long enough and angled up stops the other critters and slows how fast the coons can eat. I still have seen mice and rats go inside :(

Raccoons fighting over who take a hit from the bong.
For me it's not about sport on these guys. I want them D E A D. I also work early mornings so I'm not waiting up for them during the summer months.

If I get a chance when I'm leaving for work I will take the shot, but clearing any way I can short of poison, I'm good with. They've attacked my neighbor's dog and have destroyed another neighbor's fish ponds. Not too mention the trash they get into.
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Wow yes! Looks like you’ve got yourself a little problem there. The fun kind of course :). How far are these suckers? They look up there a ways. You have lrf on your pard? Just curious I guess. That glancing blow on the face has me scratching my head… I might switch to FX hybrid slugs. They will retain more energy, don’t need any more power than a pellet to be shot out, and they expand quickly if they penetrate. Might give you a bit of a straighter more forgiving shot than a pellet, and hit a bit harder. Otherwise have fun .:). You can always get them tonight :).
No the ds35 i have doesn't have LRF. I might switch it over to my 357 and start putting polymags in their heads with 120 fpe.

These ones were about 35 yards out but up about 40 foot. I actually got up in my son's playset to get a better shot!
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For me it's not about sport on these guys. I want them D E A D. I also work early mornings so I'm not waiting up for them during the summer months.

If I get a chance when I'm leaving for work I will take the shot, but clearing any way I can short of poison, I'm good with. They've attacked my neighbor's dog and have destroyed another neighbor's fish ponds. Not too mention the trash they get into.
Timing can be an issue. I've taken them down from 8:30pm to 5am. Most do come after 9pm. After some time feeding at the bong they start coming earlier in the day. But if you don't stay up until 1am your chances are much less. I agree, cuff are easier, they work while you are sleeping.

Caution one reason I don't use them, caught 2 skunks in them and smelled up a large area, my wife was PISSED OFF, the neighbors looking out their windows at 2am!
Timing can be an issue. I've taken them down from 8:30pm to 5am. Most do come after 9pm. After some time feeding at the bong they start coming earlier in the day. But if you don't stay up until 1am your chances are much less. I agree, cuff are easier, they work while you are sleeping.

Caution one reason I don't use them, caught 2 skunks in them and smelled up a large area, my wife was PISSED OFF, the neighbors looking out their windows at 2am!
Haven't seen a skunk in town in years, but anything is possible! I bet they sprayed all they had on deck when that cuff locked down on them!
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