Sold the last of my Pups

The only way to really know if something is right for you is to test it extensively.

Spent the better part of the past 3 years shooting and hunting a bunch with Bullpups, got so involved that I even put my Marlin 60 SS .22 lr into a Pup stock ( been back into it's original laminate stock for a year or so now )

Anyway I owned 5 Pups and shot a bunch of High End ones too so I believe I gave it a fair shake but in the end it's not the best configuration for me.

They sure look cool and they are the big trend now but I personally prefer different configurations.
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  • North Shore Oahu Hawaii
Hi there Bluestone. You have me wondering where you hale from quoting "marmite" I have just finished two slices of toast and marmite with cheese melted on top this frosty morn. Gun related - I did spend 4 hours at the range yesterday moving a pile of river gravel and such from the ditch dug for the new auto opening gate's foundation. The stuff was used to fill pot hole in the drive. Left the rifle in the car and went home when we were done. Brian 
"billydjann"I posted my location the very first day the thread came out...
I am still the only one listed in New York State.....
I think I will move.....

DO check with all the clubs listed here:

Field Target shooter are a very friendly group likely 99.5 of them are MORE than happy to let you shoot what they have and don't let the "FT" thing confuse you you are not likely to meet any serious airgunner that ones only 1 rifle, right. You can learn more about airguns in one day at a shoot than in a year of reading, many people drive hours one way to attend shoots, with many good reasons to do so.
Bulpup airguns are not new . One or two people even tried Daystate bull pups many year's ago in FT, they are more difficult to handle well from an accuracy point of view, good for close quarter firing but the balance is not what most are used to, naturally anyone can adjust to most any rifle if needed. The only bull pup airgun I have tried was at a FT match in '07 it was an AA version , it was fun ( then again I haven't met many airguns I didn't like trying out) the owner was trying to sell it and I could have gotten a very good (and face to face) deal on it. You might run into the same situation and if it feels right in your hands there is nothing better than trying before you buy.
Now a simi-pullpup is one I regret selling years ago, the Titan MPT had the benefits of of short length AND balance and hand hold. You might really like one of those.


Get to a shoot, meet some people and then you will have many personal connections available to you.