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[SOLD] Unicorn.... Colibri/Hummingbird

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Jan 3, 2020
Barnardsville, North Carolina
Feedback: 68 / 0 / 0
I will regret this, but the allure of an Impact in .35 is too much and this rare gun just doesnt get shot.

This is a Kalibrgun Colibri purchased new by me from Topgun Airgun back in the day. Like most of the Colibri, it had issues. A trip to Mr. Rowe squared that up and I've shot it off and on for several years and it spends more time in the safe than on the bench nowadays. 

Comes AS SHOWN with MTC Viper Connect scope, mount, magazine, bottle pic adapter and fill probe. I put an extended bolt on it because the stock bolt was just too small. 

Has been holding air since the last time I brought it out to shoot it, which was at least a year ago. 

Not interested in trades unless you have an FX Impact .35

$1850 shipped as shown in hard case and insured to CONUS. AK/HI, we can talk. Yes, it's a little dusty in the pics... 

Paypal or MO. 





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