Someone talk me out of this…

I’ve just successfully downsized my airgun collection by about 60%. I did this because I don’t have the time to shoot, and they were just taking up space. I kept the few guns I know I’ll use (a small game/target springer, a small game pcp, two predator guns, and a big game gun) and got rid of the rest. It’s a great feeling, to clear out the excess.

Then I see this AEA Megalodon. A compact, pump-action big bore. It’s silly, because I so, so, soooooo don’t need it. But I want it. I want to blow up cans with it and ring steel with it and toss it in the car and take it up to Vermont in the fall to hunt whitetail. I want to invite my PB friends over and watch their jaws hit the ground when they send out six rounds downrange as fast as they can pump the thing. I want that quick shooting, 400+FPE beast in my safe just in case, if you know what I mean. I want the stupid thing. Bad.

But I don’t need it, and I’m hoping one of you will talk me out of it. I know asking this forum to convince me not to buy a new airgun is like asking my wife to convince me to cheat on her. But I have to try. Maybe one of you will say the thing I need to hear.
just say NO.... the more you have, the less you will use what you already have... weird math.
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I bought the megladon not for hunting but just some range fun. I have the AEA zues 72 , AEA challenger. 510 , element max .58 and S45. I agree AEA is a crap shoot. Nothing but problems with the max .58 and S45. The zues and challenger have never given me a problem with at least 400 rounds through both.
I have 2 AEA's and both are the old challenger lines. One is the Challenger standard in .25, the non-bullpup and no longer made. The other is a 357 big-bore. I haven't shot the big bore much but the 25 has been good. I think the Zeus is based on the same architecture which is really solid. The HP line on the other hand, and its derivatives, seems to be a different story and i have no experience with them.
Last night your wife tried to tell me something about you, too, but I reminded her it was rude to talk with her mouth full.

Since I'm not married, I assume you're referring to my second ex-wife. Sometimes her false teeth get away from her during especially strenuous gymnastics. FYI, I advise you hide all sharp-edged implements before, during and after such relations with Lorena. :oops:

Good luck, Buddy.

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I posted the issues I'm having so far with my Mega

So far I've only been able to put 500 rounds through it, my bullet guy is taking a bit longer to bring me my order but as soon as it comes I'm going to put another 2k rounds through it over the weekend and see how it handles it.

1 of the issues the Mega is having is that on a full mag of slugs heavier than 230 the mag pops out and doesn't let you pump it/cycle it. You have to push the mag back in place, then cycle it.

I think it's a combo of weak detent and the weight of the slugs as it's cycling, turning in the mag the inertia unseats it out of the gun.
Similar issues with the weak spring can't rotate the 480 gr .58 slug around so I shot it dry twice as two were not able to spring into place