Sorting H&N Baracuda 18 pellets

My Caiman X likes H&N Baracuda 18 pellets the best of any I've tried. Better than FX and JSB 18s as well as heavier and lighter JSBs and heavier H&Ns. I've been shooting it at a lot of 30 yard challenge targets and achieved (3) 199 scores including one with 17 Xs but no 200. So I decided to weight sort and then head size sort first a partial tin of about 150 pellets. I sorted only for weight at first and found most pellets were 18.1 or 18.2 grains on my scale with a few at 18 and a little more at 18.3 and 18.4 grains. I next shot a target with the 18.1 grain pellets and got a 197. Pretty good for me but not what I wanted. So I sorted the remaining 18.1s by head size and found a few at 5.49mm, and the most pretty evenly divided between 5.50 and 5.51 mm. So I shot those and found no difference between the head sizes. Next I shot a target with the 18.2s and got another 197.

The most interesting part of this exercise was when I shot the more unusual 18.0, 18.3, and 18.4 grain pellets. I attached a target showing one of the two tests I did of weight. The top row of 4 targets is the 18.0s (all I had). The next 3 rows are 18.3s. The last two rows are 18.4s. 75% of the targets with 18 grain and 18.4 grain pellets were 10s. 50% of the targets with the 18.3 grain were 10s. 75% 10s would equate to a score of 195. 50% would equate to a 190 score. Not a tremendous difference but I decided it was worthwhile to do the weight sorting and sorted another tin yesterday. I shot another 199 with 17xs with it. Good but not better than the best with the unsorted pellets. I'll probably keep doing it until I get a 200, however.

I've tried sorting the H&N Baracuda Match my P35-22 prefers and found no advantage. But the match pellets are a little more consistent than the plain Baracudas. I think it's something worth checking if the last little bit of improvement is important to you.

18.0 18.3 and 18.4.jpg
When the H&N 18.1gr pellets first came out, I bought a few tins. I proceeded to measure the diameters using the Pellet Gage.
89% came out being 5.53, that is WAY better than the JSB's that I was shooting. Consistency is excellent with H&N, or maybe it was that they were coming off of a brand-new machine (?).
No matter, I immediately bought another ten tins.

I have found the weight and head size of H&Ns to be more consistent than JSBs but I just feed my guns whichever they prefer. I have two that prefer JSB. I like the price of H&Ns but I won't shoot inaccurate pellets just because they are cheaper. My opinion is that there are airgunners failing to get the best out of their guns because they won't even try H&Ns because they are so convinced JSBs are better. When I get a gun that prefers H&Ns I do kind of like that.
3 FX barrels. 2 calibers. All hate h&n cudas.

.25 cudas group abysmally in a gun that stacks JSB/AA/FX 25.4, 33.95mk1s and JTS 25.4 and 34. In one jagged hole. They all love the slug hps. My notos with the 380 superior liner like cuda 15s, JTS 16,JSB 15.9/18.13, LOVES NSA 17.5s I love the price and consistency of cuda 15 and 18s. And it's. A damn shame 2 of 3 guns despise all their offerings and one is only cool with 15s. I don't know why.

I assume because the average head size of JSB and their softer lead. 5.54 hole on hole. 5.51bor 5.52 like Michael j fox shooting benchrest from a vibrating bed.
I've yet to have a gun prefer H&N pellets. JSBs consistency has fallen so I tried JTS and won't be going back to JSBs. Heard AEA are similar in performance also.
JTS really have the consistency and accuracy down. However I still prefer the JSB/FX/AA because they're so soft..therefore they deform best, AND if youre buying from a passion project seller rather than a maximum profit farm... You still can get flawless tins. Trenier, the pellet shop, Southern precision. Always deliver flawless, extremely well packed tins.

Utah Air (if you spend enough money) will pack your pellets with incredible care.

If you only order a few tins they... Put a lot less care into it. Yesterday I received 2 tins... Both wrapped in small bubble wrap bag l, loose in a giant box. When I've spent money each tin had it's own Styrofoam sandwich.
Update. I've been trying more and more pellets. After the abysmal performance of .25 baracuda... And field target. I tried no more h&n pellets. That was a mistake. I was shooting the dreamtac tonight.. 600mm Superior, 500cc bottle +plenum, huma reg. Running 25.4 JSB at 915. I tried baracuda hunter tonight. Held just as tight groups at 35 50 65 as the exact kings. But they had one trick the JSB didn't ....
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I shot another target a few minutes ago and I no longer believe it makes sense for me to sort H&N Baracuda 18s. Let me explain. After my initial sorting of a partial tin of about 150 pellets I shot the different weights on a couple targets one of which I posted in this thread. Both targets showed 50% 10s with 18.3 and 75% 10s on other weights. This was a total of about 16 targets with 18.3s, however. That is all I had. Mostly they are 18.1 or 18.2 grains, at least the ones I've checked (2 tins of different lots so far). Then I sorted an entire tin. I shot one more 199 with a tin of 18.1 and 18.2 grain pellets but no 200, yet. Today I tried shooting a target with nothing but 18.3s. It is attached. I shot a 194 with 6Xs if I remember right, it is on the target. Half 10s would be a 190 so that is better and I shot a 195 yesterday with my 18.1/18.2 partial tin yesterday. But what seals the deal for me is the last 10 shots.

I shoot left to right, then down, then right to left, etc.. I am minimizing turning the screw on my rear rest which controls windage. So I shot 1&2, then 4, then 3, then 5, then 6, then 8. At that point I was significantly low as you can see and I checked the reg (I shoot left handed so I have to pick the gun up to see it) and I was below the 100 bar reg setting. So I refilled and shot 7, 9, 10, 12, and 11. All 10 targets in this last sequence are 10s (some barely, I use a scoring plug). I was struggling a little with elevation before 8 so 5 and 6 might have been affected by the pressure in the tank too. But for sure with a full tank 18.3s shot as well as I shoot anything. 10 10s in a row is about as well as I can do. 18.3s are OK.

I already decided 18 and 18.4 shoot well so there seems to be no reason to sort. I also shot 3 199s with unsorted pellets. Just another evidence it doesn't hurt my scores to just shoot them straight from the tin.

Caiman X with 18.3s.jpg
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