Sorting out the Delta Wolf HP 0.22

If I remember correctly did the old Air Wolfs have the same issues? They also had the chrony in the barrel that caused the same issues. If I remember correctly many people just removed the unit and things got better.

Really a shame that a $3500 rifle has so many issues! You should be able to just grab and shoot for this price. Really glad I haven't had any issues with my RedWolf

If I remember correctly did the old Air Wolfs have the same issues? They also had the chrony in the barrel that caused the same issues. If I remember correctly many people just removed the unit and things got better.

Really a shame that a $3500 rifle has so many issues! You should be able to just grab and shoot for this price. Really glad I haven't had any issues with my RedWolf!
Could have been but at least with my old Air Wolf I've never experienced any of these issues. And I'm pretty sure there's no chrony in the barrel. Still shoots well though with a heliboard installed.