Rex and Tom hosted another airgun rendezvous this past weekend, on Tom's River bottom property in Duncan Arizona. And boy did they ever squeeze A BUNCH of air gunning into two days!!!
Friday evening led off with a rifle silhouette match. This is from stool and sticks, using our field target rifles, so essentially Hunter class position, but at silhouettes at 50, 60, 70, 80 yards.
Looks like 10 shooters threw their hats in the ring, with Bob C coming out with high score. Congrats Bobby. Still crazy to me to see how good we can do when shooting those tiny little chickens out to 80 yards.

There was also a pistol silhouette match. This is a game played with field target legal pistols, so all under 12fpe. And the competitors here shoot from a bucket and sticks position as well. Distances of 15, 20, 25, and 30 yards. And we use even smaller silhouette! The little 10m guys. The chickens here are maybe the size of a nickel, or so.
Congrats to high scorer Tyler, using a .20 RAW pistol borrowed from Dan L. Great shooting Tyler.

And the main event, the rifle field target portion of the weekend. All 17 contestants here chose to shoot in the Hunter class. This is an AAFTA style event, with 16x magnification, ranging by focus, and a max of 20fpe rifles.
The course consisted of 10 lanes, 3 targets per lane, 2 shots per target, so 60 shots total. There were some pretty difficult targets in the mix, the highest individual target Troyer was from a 7/16" kill zone at 23 yards for a T of about a 46. There was also a 5/8" kz @ 26 yards shortly behind with a T of 41.6. The overall course Troyer factor was just shy of 34, so a fairly difficult course.
Here are the field target winners.....
High score was Marcy. This is only her second field target match, and she did similarly well in her first match last year. And this is with a borrowed gun! Heck of a shooter, congrats Marcy. For such a hard course there were a bunch of very respectable scores turned in. I was told Jesse chose to compete with a 12fpe gun, but I. Hunter class so against a bunch of guys shooting 19fpe. With that consideration, he did extremely well.
Much thanks to Rex for the vision he had of creating these events a few years ago, and the work that he puts in to make it happen. Also need to recognize Tom for sharing his property with us, we very much appreciate it. And Dan L deserves credit and appreciation for sharing a couple of his guns this weekend, as well as tearing down the course single-handedly on Sunday morning. Thanks to all who helped set the course as well. And finally, thank you to all of the competitors, both those who traveled and those who live nearby. We're glad you came to enjoy airguns and be s part of the match!
Dan sent me a mountain of photos. I'm working off my phone right now so will try to present them in a way that they deserve, within the tech limits of my phone.
First off there was breakfast provided on Saturday morning...

And high score shooter Marcy with her Silhouette trophy..

I think I'm probably near the photo limit....more photos in the next post.