Because to fix them they’re admitting something is wrong. All my semis fromI don't understand why they don't fix the models they sell before introducing new ones.
x2. Seems like certain things are known issues from the beginning on certain guns. But 7kpsi ...I can't risk my life on that. I'm worried it will draw more bad attention than good. I still want one though.Their products are not safe and I am surprised they have not had a class action law suit filed against them.
I also own an AEA pcp, 357 big 9 I have had for close to 3 years and have had to replace 1 O-ring. The more complicated the build the more that can go wrong, I keep it simple, big 9 and Texan 308.I like AEA and haven't had any problems with mine. I also hope they don't push the envelope over the edge as well.