Springer 50-foot Challenge Anyone?

Ok,this is harder than I figured. I will work at it. I used a regular .22 magnified plug to score with. Here are my first 2 attempts. TX200 in .177.
I shot 3 Cards today.

97/98 (6x)
64 (5x)
91 (1x)

View attachment 317731
Good shooting. I have scored thousands of targets in various centerfire and rimfire targets in my lifetime. I was once certified for scoring archery targets at international events, I have looked at lot of those 97/98 targets. Only people who score in competition know they exist. I have always followed the rule....... If I catch myself staring/ wondering, I score up. This is why in real competition only one scorer per match. That way every target is judged the same. Given all that...98-6x. Nice shooting!
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Good shooting. I have scored thousands of targets in various centerfire and rimfire targets in my lifetime. I was once certified for scoring archery targets at international events, I have looked at lot of those 97/98 targets. Only people who score in competition know they exist. I have always followed the rule....... If I catch myself staring/ wondering, I score up. This is why in real competition only one scorer per match. That way every target is judged the same. Given all that...98-6x. Nice shooting!

I understand. This is for fun and didn't beat a previous score for me so...