Springer off a bag

I use sandbags filled with kitty litter. It works the same as sand but is a whole lot lighter. My daughter makes the bags for me. Instead of camo I had her do a bunch of fun ones like Disney princesses with glitter, hello kitty, sponge bob, and some others. I don't take myself too seriously and it's a lot of fun to see people stare at the bags. Most of the time they find it amusing and ask me where I got them.
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`As rcs9250 said just let it rest, no death grip. Each will be different but most follow this formula for good groups. I once cut the chin off a wasp as 50 yards with a tuned R1 in .22. He landed on my pellet trap and it was lights out. From that day on I was know as the mighty wasp killer by one of my girlfriends.​

tim a.k.a. the mighty wasp killer.
I shoot my TX 200 the same way I do my centerfire bench rest rifles with one exception. In the front bag instead of sand I use a bag bought at Staples filled with small plastic pellets. It's made to rest your wrists on when at a keyboard. I shoot free recoil. I shot at notebook reinforcements at 25 yatds. Good 5 shot groups stay inside the .250 inner hole. Springers will teach you good bench manners.
Never liked a springer on anything solid like tripod . i think or see that can telegraph the recoil / bounce . Ive tried a few things home made and store bought and it's right back to the ol sock and t shirt, and now its what i stay with . Now it works best of all i tried for ME .

I made 3 the 2 you see in the picture i posted kinda 2 sizes depending on gun used and another indoor for pistol stuff.

Point is you got to find what works best for you and your shooting. Maybe ol stuffed scock or pro series shooting slead lock down cant miss vice thing ..lol. I seen some that all the shooter does is actually just pull the trigger , no shooting skill required ...
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I misspoke previously. It is not an implant. It is a silicone cutlet aka a bra insert readily available through Amazon. Happy shopping!
Funny you say that because as soon as you first mentioned it I thought well maybe as a bag in the rear as it should be easy to squeeze. Then I started shopping for one on Amazon. There is actually a selection of Prosthesis of different sizes. Some large enough to be used as front bag even!

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I used a rolled up pillow with the rifle CG on the pillow.
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I better bite my tongue on this1,lol.... I lucked into some shotgun (lead-shot) bags for re-loading. I thought "these bags would be perfect for a rest". I filled the 2 with (sand box sand ?) you get from lowes or where_ever,,,taped them shut. I also have a nice big block of wood,8x8x12" with about a 6" moon key chunked out in 1 side. sweet. I lay the sand-bag in that keyed out groove and LOW AND BEHOLD!!! lol. I can really shape that set-up quick to whichever rifle I bring to the bench. It's easy to manipulate and it's very stable. Oh,sry,,I should have said sooner, I shoot primarily with my hand between the bag and the air-rifle at the table.
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