Nice shot! Literally blew him away!.22 pcp 34g jsb beast pellet.. don’t ever doubt air rifle lights out and you can shoot them in your backyard, try that with a .22lr in your back yard and see how quick the cops show up
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Nice shot! Literally blew him away!.22 pcp 34g jsb beast pellet.. don’t ever doubt air rifle lights out and you can shoot them in your backyard, try that with a .22lr in your back yard and see how quick the cops show up
I take objection to this as my 25 cal m3 has exactly the same drop and wind drift as a 22 lr cci std shooting 35 gr nsa. The only thing different is it is slightly less powerful. 22- 67 fpe @100 25-50fpe@100Nope. With my 22lr there is no scope clicking or fooling around. At 20-75 yards just hit them from the armpit forward and they fall dead instantly with a CCI mini mag. But on the flip side, when I hunt squirrels near my archery hot spots, I use an air rifle. You just can’t beat the power and how sleek a real gun is. My real guns feel like toys compared to bloated PCP’s.
So, would you be shooting low at 20yds?Some of the places I hunt squirrel I can have my limit in 30-45 minutes with a 22lr. A 12 gauge shotgun will silence the woods for a couple minutes but so will a walking dude. Airguns are definitely more challenging and clubby but that and the stealth make them fun to hunt with. My Impact is sending 32gr slugs over 1,000fps so I’m pretty flat from 27 to 55 yards. Close shots suck because the scope towers over the bore way more than my 22lr’s. So I think comparing airguns to airguns is just better than comparing them to firearms. Just not in the same league.
Shotgun.What’s the best tool for the job? I think most people would think you’re giving something up going with the pellet gun, but I don’t think so. I haven’t hunted small game with a rimfire since I got a pcp, but id say it increases my harvest.
I think a good pcp is the best squirrel harvesting tool ever devised. What do y’all think?
I agree the pcp / pellet rifle is way better especially considering how gunpowder ammo went through the roof and I prefer the pcp simply because it's safer for my hearing plus you don't scare anyone else around you.What’s the best tool for the job? I think most people would think you’re giving something up going with the pellet gun, but I don’t think so. I haven’t hunted small game with a rimfire since I got a pcp, but id say it increases my harvest.
I think a good pcp is the best squirrel harvesting tool ever devised. What do y’all think?
Pellet gun all day. Pcps are just as, if not more, accurate AND much quieter. You have greater potential for follow up shots or shots on multiple squirrels.What’s the best tool for the job? I think most people would think you’re giving something up going with the pellet gun, but I don’t think so. I haven’t hunted small game with a rimfire since I got a pcp, but id say it increases my harvest.
I think a good pcp is the best squirrel harvesting tool ever devised. What do y’all think?
I'm with you. I like PCPs. I would rather take my 20cal hw97 or my 22lr. PCPs are nice and fun to hunt with but my 22lr is dependable every time not temp sensitive, and the lists goes on. The more I play with PCPs the more I like the pistons and the old plain jane 22lr. I'm a hunter first and actually don't care to tinker on my guns.On limited acreage I can see how a quiet rifle may get a guy more shots. A PCP and a slow moving hunting style would definitely be an asset.
In wide open mountains its a different story. You can easily move from target to target by watching the trees and listening for a bark. The report of a rimfire isn't going to matter much. It's been my experience that many times after you shoot your next target is barking at the noise telling you where he is.
You could certainly use a PCP and it may not be much different than a rimfire as far as accuracy and range. It would be great fun. I think the rimfire is just a lot simpler and more convenient to spend a day in the mountains with.
The hardware I use is not really important to me. It's more about fall in the woods. Whatever I'm shooting with or at isn't why I'm there. It's just an excuse to be there. I rarely shoot at squirrels once I locate them anyway. I could be carrying a stick and have (almost) as much fun.