Squirrel season 2023

I live in CA and we don't have seasons on Squirrels, but we don't have the kinds of Squirrels you guys have back East. In my neighborhood we have 2 kinds Tree Squirrels and Ground Squirrels. The Tree Squirrels are the Red ones and are off limits as they are my Wife's Pets and she feeds them every day.
The Ground Squirrels are basically Rats with hair on their tails. I shot 5 of them last week in my Front Yard. But they aren't that easy as any movement or noise sends them scurrying off into their holes, so it took 5 days to get all 5.

I had to ended up taking the screen off the bathroom window and shooting from in there Pretty well cleaned out that family, but the Across the Street Neighbors don't mow their Lawns and they look like a mine field so it is only a matter of time until they migrate back into my yard which is paradise. With a variety of Pellet guns.

I could easily get my Limit on both Quail and Doves, Pigeons in the front yard but I have to avoid being seen by Nosey Neighbors. Where I Live in CA is not exactly a Stronghold of Conservative Values.

I age them in the fridge for a week then cook or freeze them.
My wife will cook them low and slow and then she gives them to me to de-bone. At that point she'll put the meat in things like chili or pot pie. Afterwards we freeze the extra for easy dinners later.
We're only allowed to possess 10 in IL, so when I get close, my wife starts using them 2-4 at a time. This allows me to keep hunting and reconfirms that she's a keeper.
I age them in the fridge for a week then cook or freeze them.
My wife will cook them low and slow and then she gives them to me to de-bone. At that point she'll put the meat in things like chili or pot pie. Afterwards we freeze the extra for easy dinners later.
We're only allowed to possess 10 in IL, so when I get close, my wife starts using them 2-4 at a time. This allows me to keep hunting and reconfirms that she's a keeper.
That’s one heck of a wife! Not sure mine will eat squirrels
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I age them in the fridge for a week then cook or freeze them.
My wife will cook them low and slow and then she gives them to me to de-bone. At that point she'll put the meat in things like chili or pot pie. Afterwards we freeze the extra for easy dinners later.
We're only allowed to possess 10 in IL, so when I get close, my wife starts using them 2-4 at a time. This allows me to keep hunting and reconfirms that she's a keeper.
Aging them makes them more tender. I’ve always liked squirrel better than rabbit but they are both excellent eating.
What's the rationale behind having a season for squirrels?

I thought the main idea behind hunting seasons was to ensure there's sufficient time to keep track of populations, to ensure they're not over or under hunted. But I wouldn't think there's any concern about squirrel populations. Even if they're completely eliminated in some small pockets, the population will generally be fine most other places. Squirrels reproduce and move quickly. So squirrel season seems like an odd idea.
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What's the rationale behind having a season for squirrels?

I thought the main idea behind hunting seasons was to ensure there's sufficient time to keep track of populations, to ensure they're not over or under hunted. But I wouldn't think there's any concern about squirrel populations. Even if they're completely eliminated in some small pockets, the population will generally be fine most other places. Squirrels reproduce and move quickly. So squirrel season seems like an odd idea.
To keep nuts like me from shooting them all year? The break from Feb to Aug lets them raise young without hunting pressure would be my guess.
But I really don't know.
Here in England we shoot grey squirrels all year round as they
are classed as vermin, ,we have about 3 million of this furry vermin
causing millions in damage to trees, wildlife killing the young of song birds,
and wiping out our protected Red squirrells which are a native species
we are protecting, i shoot loads of greys all year round.
atb brian
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What's the rationale behind having a season for squirrels?

I thought the main idea behind hunting seasons was to ensure there's sufficient time to keep track of populations, to ensure they're not over or under hunted. But I wouldn't think there's any concern about squirrel populations. Even if they're completely eliminated in some small pockets, the population will generally be fine most other places. Squirrels reproduce and move quickly. So squirrel season seems like an odd idea.
Squirrel are a main game animal in Ohio for small game season from September 1st through February 1st. We can take up to 5 squirrel daily bag limit.

I think the reason there is a season, is so the population stays big so people can enjoy hunting as recreation on public lands. For instance, I always see squirrel when I go hunting on public lands, but I've only seen a rabbit once in 5 years. Rabbits are more of an animal that you have to kick up out the brush with dogs. I'm gonna try and find some with my thermal monocle this year and see if that helps.
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Definitely excited for squirrel season this year! They’re probably my favorite to hunt. Here in the Sierra Nevada (CA), they can be tricky at times. The tall pine tree makes it difficult but then you’ll also get those pretty dumb ones at close range. 30cal pellets is my go to as they’re tough for their size. Archery opens this coming Saturday for them. I’ve gotten a few of them with the bow (20-30yard shots)
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What's the rationale behind having a season for squirrels?

I thought the main idea behind hunting seasons was to ensure there's sufficient time to keep track of populations, to ensure they're not over or under hunted. But I wouldn't think there's any concern about squirrel populations. Even if they're completely eliminated in some small pockets, the population will generally be fine most other places. Squirrels reproduce and move quickly. So squirrel season seems like an odd idea.
Research back to the depression, anything that walks and had protein was eliminated. Fast forward to our healthy eating pyramid which was designed by the depression of agriculture- not sei
What's the rationale behind having a season for squirrels?

I thought the main idea behind hunting seasons was to ensure there's sufficient time to keep track of populations, to ensure they're not over or under hunted. But I wouldn't think there's any concern about squirrel populations. Even if they're completely eliminated in some small pockets, the population will generally be fine most other places. Squirrels reproduce and move quickly. So squirrel season seems like an odd id
What's the rationale behind having a season for squirrels?

I thought the main idea behind hunting seasons was to ensure there's sufficient time to keep track of populations, to ensure they're not over or under hunted. But I wouldn't think there's any concern about squirrel populations. Even if they're completely eliminated in some small pockets, the population will generally be fine most other places. Squirrels reproduce and move quickly. So squirrel season seems like an odd idea.
Research the depression era because animal’s that provided protein were exterminated. Won’t take long to eradicate everything that walks if we continue on this communist path. I know I’m going to be penalized.
I live in CA and we don't have seasons on Squirrels, but we don't have the kinds of Squirrels you guys have back East. In my neighborhood we have 2 kinds Tree Squirrels and Ground Squirrels. The Tree Squirrels are the Red ones and are off limits as they are my Wife's Pets and she feeds them every day.
The Ground Squirrels are basically Rats with hair on their tails. I shot 5 of them last week in my Front Yard. But they aren't that easy as any movement or noise sends them scurrying off into their holes, so it took 5 days to get all 5.

I had to ended up taking the screen off the bathroom window and shooting from in there Pretty well cleaned out that family, but the Across the Street Neighbors don't mow their Lawns and they look like a mine field so it is only a matter of time until they migrate back into my yard which is paradise. With a variety of Pellet guns.

I could easily get my Limit on both Quail and Doves, Pigeons in the front yard but I have to avoid being seen by Nosey Neighbors. Where I Live in CA is not exactly a Stronghold of Conservative Values.

Small game squirrel season for CA starts Sept 9-Jan 24 I believe. Got a couple more weeks til I head out to the wild.
Bug spray - check
Camo poncho - check
Alarm set for 5AM - check
Now I just need to decide which gun is going out tomorrow - .22 Notos or .25 Avenger
I might go with the Notos because all the leaves means any shot I get should be fairly close and the compactness of the Notos will aid in sneaking through the woods.
But the Avenger has proved it's capabilities many times already. And if there is a long shot to be taken I'd rather take it with the Avenger.

I hope this time tomorrow I'll be posting a pic of the first one of the season.
I was in Dallas in June for work, the heat was unbearable! I don't know how y'all survive down there on the daily.
In the early 70's while I was in grade school, we lived in Dallas. I woke up twice in the hospital, and was taken to the hospital a couple other times due to the heat. One of the two times I woke up in the hospital, it was the next day. I was a slow learner when it came to knowing when to get inside, cool off and get more water.
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