RAW Rapid still in deep ----

Got the "I WANT's " RAW pistol in .20 with a tube not a bottle . (preferably the same air tube Morini uses )

And i am only 1.5 hours drive away from Martin's place.
I’m with you! I would be happy with the bottle though. Just not seeing any reviews of them.
much better, Friday she gets her stitches out..poor girl, she had something wrong with her toenail about a month ago and they removed the toenail and end of the toe.. and they were worried it might have been a tumor, well after it healed up about a month it started growing, the toe in one week got as big as her other whole foot and was raw . so they had to remove the toe 😳 so I hope it is solved, they wanted to send the toe to the lab and see if it was cancer or not but it was another big chunk of money and wouldn't affect how they treated her so I just declined the lab and hopefully it will be ok.. she is a red blue heeler..
my toy mini blue heeler is my picture on my profile


Love most all dogs. The only real cost of having a dog is when they go. I contend there is a hole left that never completely goes away. It melts into the background and another dog can cover up the hole. But it is never fully filled in. It is the way the Big Guy intended. In my outlook at the Hierarchy of life, Woman is the closest and dog immediately next to her. Kids grow up and move off. Dogs stay until they die. Be Well Brothers, Bandito.