The stock question really has a lot to do
how a shooter perceives a gun....
● A gun, for me, is an
instrument for killing, for today — not an instrument for remembering the last century, my childhood, or my grandpa.
● A gun, for me, is a
tool — not a keepsake, not a hairloom.
● If a gun is a tool, for me then, it must be
functional — not nostalgic, not traditionalistc (or in the more charitable term, "classic").
● If a gun must be functional, for me then,
form must follow function — form does not need to follow the requirements of a technology from the past century.
● There is still a beauty in the form of a modern gun — the aesthetics are actually really important to me.
But again —
beauty is in the eye of the beholder (or their rose-colored sunglasses

) — and the eye of
this beholder is looking for
a good-looking tool — not
a reminder of the good old times.

I just felt I needed to explain myself and my tribesmen (and women)
who have been shunned the tacticool tribe — because I feel my tribe is in the minority on many airgun forums. (Maybe this survey proves me wrong.... — that would be funny!

Anyhow, our airguniverse has enough space for all of us, and
I really like it that we have so many options nowadays that suit each of our styles and preferences. What a wonderful diversity!

Have a great weekend. Go shoot something!