Strelok Pro no more?

On Android, you can still install a 3rd party APK manually, not from the play store. I imagine the developer can still distribute the app this way so it's not the end of the world.
On iOS, you're SOL unless you jailbreak your device but that's obviously not guaranteed.
Will they keep updating the app with no financial incentive is another question. Perhaps they can just reissue the app under a different name and figure out an alternative method of payment, lol.

It's easy to port the program to a US shell company and rename it. All development and programing can be done on the cloud via VPN.
Ballisticboy --=--
Are those apps all separate? It appears that they would not function like StreLok Pro does, with 'everything under one roof'.
Sorry for the delay, I have not looked at this thread for a while. I am not familiar with Strelok Pro, I have only played around a bit with the free version. In the apps I spoke of, MERO is the main one. All the others can be used for support services but then, I believe, transfer the values calculated to MERO.

One of the advantages is that you can email George Conway, the developer, directly from his website with suggestions and requests. He will also help with problems.

I very rarely use any of the trajectory programs available from the web as I have my own, some of which are far more complex, which I am most familiar with.