N/A Suburban backyard range

Question to all,if you live in suburbs have a big yard ,build a re enforced shooting area do you shoot big bore ?? How bout without a moderator no complaints after a couple days are you in the clear ? It's your property rt? This is just a question not a real life situation im in .
Know your local laws and try not to piss off your neighbors
for me personally, I think shooting a.177 in the burbs makes better sense and is more challenging.
Similar setup to your description, in sparsely populated neighborhood, also own wooded lot next door. Range angles off back patio into woods, with wooden backstops @ 50 and 66-yards. Four years, no complaints nor upset neighbors. Calibers range from .22 to .35, all moderated or shrouded, nothing loud. Paper on cardboard targets only, no metal plates, gongs, plastic bottles or reactive targets. Schedule shooting when neighborhood kids are in school, parents at work. Don't discuss activities with neighbors nor allow anyone to observe airgun. WM
Question to all,if you live in suburbs have a big yard ,build a re enforced shooting area do you shoot big bore ?? How bout without a moderator no complaints after a couple days are you in the clear ? It's your property rt? This is just a question not a real life situation im in .
A lot of places it’s illegal to shoot an airgun inside city limits. So that would be the biggest factor to consider.

If it’s legal to shoot then I’d try to be respectful of my neighbors and not shoot anything without a moderator.
Plinking around a house not legal at my place, but luckily a large scale gun range is about 15 minutes drive from my door.
Started there years ago - with a mandatory Safety Training and probation time for a year. These values and necessity most people under estimate greatly.
That's cool I got 2 gun ranges 10 mins from my house 1 allows airguns 1 doesn't
Similar setup to your description, in sparsely populated neighborhood, also own wooded lot next door. Range angles off back patio into woods, with wooden backstops @ 50 and 66-yards. Four years, no complaints nor upset neighbors. Calibers range from .22 to .35, all moderated or shrouded, nothing loud. Paper on cardboard targets only, no metal plates, gongs, plastic bottles or reactive targets. Schedule shooting when neighborhood kids are in school, parents at work. Don't discuss activities with neighbors nor allow anyone to observe airgun. WM
See that simple logic always works if you can shoot when kids at school and people at work something simple as that can make all the difference
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My thinking is such that if you need concern with kids being at school then it is likley best not to shoot in that backyard. Pellets do not recognize property lines and negligent discharges are possible. Yes it is possible to be 99.99999% safe but part of that 99.99999% safety is not shooting in a place where a ND could result in damage or injury to adjacent property or souls.