You will love the Mod40. If you decide to save weight later, build a full shroud. They are quieter than any end-of-barrel mod. You can build lighter and shorter in overall length because you get a major pressure dump into the volume back around the barrel. Once you dump all that pressure you only need 4 to 6 inches to quiet it down, beyond what any diameter end of barrel mod can do. My shroud is 27mm 14 inches long and does a good or better job than the MOD40 which I loved. I like that the MOD 40 is removable quickly so the rifle is shorter for transport than with a full shroud, which is hard to remove. I prefer Huma over DonnyFL, both very high quality, just like the suppression on the Huma better, like the anodizing on the DonnyFL better. Love this country and all the choices we have.
Any YouTube videos on how to build a shroud? I am technically challanged
PS: I love the USA too. I am an immigrant. At first, the gun laws made no sense to me. But I have been here 20+ years now and my gun collection is growing. I need a bigger safe soon . I just wish SE Florida had more outdoor opportunities for hunters.
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