Well saidSo recently my wife said she heard air hissing during the night. Then when I checked I discovered my AAA evol had dumped all its air. Upon disassembly I discovered it had blown one o-ring out completely and another was starting to extrude, and was about to blow. After ordering the needed parts and reassembling I discovered it was also leaking through the fill port. This gun is less than two years old.
also I am the new owner of a daystate huntsman revere. Not long after I received it I discovered it was “sneezing” air around the transfer port at each shot. Oh well
Now each of these guns I consider top notch quality and I wouldn’t part with them, so I didnt come here to complain. Just to make a point. It happens to the best of them.
I’ve noticed a lot of complaints about Fx guns being low quality and unreliable. Before you think I’m defending them, I agree they need to improve their QC and Im not a fan of their flimsy barrels. (However it happens to other guns too) But Fx guns do offer innovations and the ability to tune, and attain a level of power that makes me an Fx customer despite their weaknesses. Perhaps it’s hard to offer that much innovation and QC together.
Ive started to compete in nrl22 with an Fx dynamic. I don’t believe there is another airgun that is as capable for that purpose as the dynamic/ panthera. Despite that I’ve had issues with it leaking but I still wouldn’t trade it for anything else.
So each brand/gun has its strengths and weaknesses. No need to get emotional and hate on, or idolize a brand. The fact is (I believe) that we live in the golden age of airgunning. Today’s airguns have a tremendous amount of innovation crammed under one hefty price sticker.Happy airgunning
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