Surprises from the outdoors

This is an example of startling surprises one has encountered in the outdoors over the years. First of all , all mine were involving surf fishing for striped bass on south shore of long Island, ny. pretty metropolised area, but still some surprises lurk around after dark. first was walking the barrier beach and made my way to a cut in the tree line, there was no moon. As I slowly make my way through, the evergreens were almost touching me on both sides. I was about 30 ft on through towards the other side when I heard a loud crack and this shape exploded from the evergreen to my right, hit my rod and was gone. As I cleared that foot path and my heart settled down I'm thinking "damn deer" 

Second was fishing the jetty about midnight, dead calm, slight crescent moon just enough to reflect off flat water. Was fishing already for 3 hours with nothing so I sat down on a flat rock. Like that for 10 minutes when I closed the bail on my reel and suddenly here a "slap" like if you hit a big rock with your palm of your hand. Instantly followed by a big splash, like your friend diving in next to you. I'm like "what the hell?" minute later, this head rises out of the water about 60 feet in front of me looking right at me. Once I saw it I was like "bad seal! , Bad, bad, seal!" 

Last one involved me fishing waist deep in great south bay in august, about 2am. horseshoe crabs bumping against your feet in the current. fishing for an hour and, I get bumped, I instantly jumped as sandbar shark are common there at that time of year. that's a ragged tooth shark that comes up to 7 feet long. So when I instinctively shot my hand down it hit the top of a heavy big slimy surface, as I jumped back I strained to see a black shape about 10 inches wide and 6 feet long. It was a log. I'm like , I need a beer! 

I know this are fish stories, but it's really outdoors stuff. I'm sure all of you have a story or two. So whatcha got? LOL!
In the summer on occasion I'll sleep up under the overhang at our small barn. About 2 in the morning I awoke to the sound coming from the forest service of what seemed like a kid being horribly brutalized or murdered but the sound kept going on so I had my doubts that such a thing like that was happening just 200 - 300 yards back off my property. Just an awful sound that literally made the hair on my arm stand up. A bad feeling overcame me so I got up and went back into the house.

A few nights later my daughter heard the same sound when she was awoken in her RV when at the time she was staying on my property.

I told a friend about the happenings and he knew what it was right away. It was a COUGAR screaming. My daughter looked it up and the sound is called "caterwauling" which is the sound a female makes trying to get the attention of a mate. The one we heard was very intense vs the sounds on some youtube videos I watched.

Glad I didn't get chewed on by a horny mountain lion, lol!!!

I had my STI 40 S&W pistol on the table, and my Siberian Shepard dog with me, so at least I wasn't without an early warning system and some type of self protection.