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SVFTC July 2024 (yes, July) Match Report

Sorry folks, in the absence of our fearless leader Motorhead during the July SVFTC match, the duty to post a match report fell in a crack. Fortunately SacramentoSam took a picture of the scores to post which, let's be honest, is really what we all want to see, right?

Without Motorhead, set up in July got off to an extra early start to transport targets, winders, clips, cinder blocks and other goodies from secure storage on site to the range. Set up went along at the normal clip and in no time we had a typical 60 shot course set up. However, ChrisK (self appointed head of target placement) added an extra difficult 2 point "bonus" off hand tie breaker target to the normal two target/4 point forced position lane.

The theory behind the bonus target was if there was a tie in the top 3 scores, the shooter with the highest score among the "regular" 60 point targets would place higher. As it turned out the top 3 scores were clearly separated by points so the bonus target idea didn't come into play.

One voice among the crowd (always the same one.....we love you Jim Po) challenged the legitimacy of this idea so ChrisK threatened to add TWO difficult bonus targets to the next match, worth variable points depending on if a shooter chose to take them kneeling or off hand. However, Motorhead returned to run the August show and cooler heads prevailed.

As was typical in July the temp reached just over 100 degrees towards the end of the match. We are fortunate to have a very long, wide and high recreational vehicle type aluminum cover over a cement pad that provides shade for 15 lanes of shooters with elbow room in between. A variable breeze kept shooters on their toes with hold-offs up to a couple mils outside the KZ's on longer targets for the 12 fpe shooters.

A light lunch and beverages was served after the course was cleaned up.

Without further ado, here are the match scores. I do want to mention that Conrad, one of our senior shooters, chose to address all 3 forced position targets (including the difficult bonus target) off hand instead of selecting one of the targets to shoot kneeling as we normally do, and he got them all. Way to go Conrad! Notably, John D, Jim Po and Son Lu also scored 2 points on the bonus off hand target.

JULY'S RESULTS by Class & Score .. XX/62

WFTF Piston

Jim P 52
AJ 47
Son L 39

Mark W 56
Dave C 54

Bill C 47

Hunter PCP
Eick 60 *high match score (nice shooting!)
Conrad 58
Chris K 57
Grant 53
John D 53
John B 53
Kevin 51
Marty 49
Joe 49
Sam 48
Dane 46
Larry 44
Jeff 40
Alain 25 (A very personable, up and coming FT shooter....we enjoy and support your continued participation. Keep it up!!!!)

As always, a great group of dedicated shooters who mix serious focus on knocking down targets with fun, friendly banter and helpful hints for competitors.

That concludes another well attended, enjoyable club field target event report.

THANK YOU to all who participated and helped make this another fun shoot!!

Chris K for
Scott Schneider
SVFTC Match Director

Motorheads AG Tuning Services & Match director for the SVFTC
See: Sacramento Valley Air Gun Club
Scott Schneider @ Northern California USA
