Being we're into fall the suns up a tad later and some of the crew converge a bit before 8am gathering up all the gear & moving it on out to range #9
More help arrives rather quickly so we get a very speedy set up done, practice target paper & Quads are all out before the 9 o'clock hour ... Nice job guys !
Today's match is 15 lanes with *2 targets per for a base of 60 points, with *3 targets set on the offhand/kneeling lane #11 making for a 62 point potential match.
We ended up setting out a 3/8" and a 1/2" to really test everyone as well having a real stinker side by side at 55 yards having 1 1/4" next to a 1 7/8". The difficult value on that smaller target an Expert level 49.5 Troyer ! Post match survey it had just 2 shooters hit / get it twice.
As is typical when we 3 target the offhand lane, we allow one target to be taken kneeling if the shooter is inclined.
Today we had also per-anounced that a Club Swap meet would happen as well keeping it for after the match & during lunch.
TODAYS RESULTS by Class / Shooter / Score XX/62
Joe H 54
WFTF Piston
Son L 51
Jim P 44
Bill C 44
Fred B 34
Chris K 59
Zack L 58
Scott 57
Marty G 56
Erick S 56
Conrad R 52
Alain D 49
John D 49
Dane 47
Sam R 45
Weiye 45
Kevin H 43
Larry g 40
Grant S 42
Jeff S 29
Jim B 15 * 1st time FT shooter
Post match the crew quickly picks up the course and re-converge to set up the swap meet and have some lunch .... O' and what a lunch Sam put together !!!
Having soda & water, granola bars & chips out all morning .... Main course for lunch was Costco Pin wheel sandwiches and a SPECIAL TREAT being ...... SQUIRREL ( being Grey & Douglas tree squirrel ) slow cooked in a crock pot pulled like pork to make Street tacos having steamed taco shells, cilantro, onions, lime slices and some other condiments .. WHOA some killer eats right there ! Thank you Sam R

Swap meet had several rifles, Scopes, rings, Air tanks and a Shoebox F10 among other misc items ... Stuff found new homes & some did not .. such is a swap meet.
In closing I personally WISH TO THANK all of our shooters who came to matches threw out the summer even if you made just 1 match or all of them, for without your participation the club would not continue to grow and prosper. THANK YOU ALL !!
The 2025 season for the SVFTC will continue to be held at the same location and same range #9 being held on the 4th Sunday of each month @ March till October. A formal date list will be posted later and any special activities etc included.
Until next season .. Stay well, practice that marksmanship and tell your shooting buddies what a good time we have inviting them to join us sometime.
Scott Schneider
SVFTC Match Director