Taipan Taipan Mutant Short .22

Well...That one didn't last long...Checked at 7:30edt...gone...Would have gone well with my standard Mutant...there has/is some good stuff on AOA's used site lately...good place to stay off of if one is budgeting.
There's quite a few nice guns especially for the price that I'd buy on there but no need.
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Put the 2-12 Discovery on it as the Arken was just too big. For my compact lightweight guns these scopes are hard to beat.
How could the tune affect how the magazine cycles ?
The Veteran uses the force of the hammer when fired to reset the anti-double feed mechanism. This is how the gun knows the difference between the gun being fired and the gun being de-cocked. As Dairyboy mentioned in the past, he had issues with the Veteran not cycling the magazine when he had the hammer spring tension backed out to shoot 12 FPE. His new gun being the Mutant with no anti-double feed would obviously not experience this issue which is why I mentioned it.
The Veteran uses the force of the hammer when fired to reset the anti-double feed mechanism. This is how the gun knows the difference between the gun being fired and the gun being de-cocked. As Dairyboy mentioned in the past, he had issues with the Veteran not cycling the magazine when he had the hammer spring tension backed out to shoot 12 FPE. His new gun being the Mutant with no anti-double feed would obviously not experience this issue which is why I mentioned it.

When I looked into it before I ran across several posts where guys were running them at 12 fpe . Many here on AGN . I could PM you with their replies so I don't derail DBs thread .

Nice score Dairyboy !
When I looked into it before I ran across several posts where guys were running them at 12 fpe . Many here on AGN . I could PM you with their replies so I don't derail DBs thread .

Nice score Dairyboy !
Thanks! And yes as @MushroomPsyche mentioned I have had issues with it before on a Vet Short tuned at 12-15fpe. It worked fine for awhile until it didn't. Crank it up i think to around low to mid 20fpe and would work fine back down and had issues. Took gun apart and cleaned and lubed no difference. I know a few others who had the issues when tuned low also. Now would every gun have that issue? Not sure but it has been seen multiple times. But this Mutant solves any issue with that. Also now have a different 12fpe gun so won't need that low power anyways.
The Veteran uses the force of the hammer when fired to reset the anti-double feed mechanism. This is how the gun knows the difference between the gun being fired and the gun being de-cocked. As Dairyboy mentioned in the past, he had issues with the Veteran not cycling the magazine when he had the hammer spring tension backed out to shoot 12 FPE. His new gun being the Mutant with no anti-double feed would obviously not experience this issue which is why I mentioned it.

I was told (by a Veteran guru) that it's the air the runs the anti-double-feed.

He was of the opinion that there is a tiny little hole in the bottom of this (or both?) divot(s). And that a small amount of air is used to determine of the gun has been fired or not before a decock/recock.

That's a photo of the backside of the valve, looking down into the transfer port. White material on the left is the delrin? of the poppit.

If it is indeed air running the anti-double feed, it makes sense that at some point of turning the gun down in power, not enough air would go through the tiny little pinhole for the anti-double feed to be functional.
Thank you for this info @Franklink . I believe there is a little lever that the air pushes that resets the anti-double feed. I know there were some cases in the past also where the gun's ADF would not activate and will just continually cycle the magazine everytime the lever is pulled back. This was caused by a pin backing out of the little lever arm inside the receiver and dragging against the housing. It's been years since I've read about this issue so I'm assuming Taipan has already fixed the pin properly so it wouldn't back out.

I'm saying this because I'm thinking this might be the cause why some guns have the issue with cycling the magazine with low power while others do not. I'm thinking that the guns that have the issue might have the pin that already starts dragging making it more difficult for the air to reset. Just backed out enough to start dragging but not enough to be completely stuck and inoperable.
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Yeah that's what I've heard and seen as well when I tore into mine to figure it out.

Anyways did roughly sight in and took out 4 pigeons and a few starlings today. Man did I miss having one of these Shortys! Such great guns. My brother in law was just telling me the other day how much he and my nephew still love the Vet Shorty they got from me. I'm glad they have that one but glad I got one again.