Taipan Taipan Slash.

New kid on the block with insane powers and yet not a monster. 59 ft/ibs in .177cal. It here pelletshooting no longer make sence. Its heavy slugs only.

That .177 barrel better have a 1:14 twist barrel. No point in having a .177 slugs capable of making that power if it won't stabilize.
That .177 barrel better have a 1:14 twist barrel. No point in having a .177 slugs capable of making that power if it won't stabilize.
Judging by the way Taipan doesn’t rush things to market; I’d wager they did their homework before releasing this rifle.
I hope so, hopefully they took a page from the Russian alpha precision barrels as they have 1:14.6 and 1:15.4 twist for .177
I have contacted Taipan asked what the twistratio is in their .177cal barrels. Ordinary pelletstuff will be blown to dust and maybe even start skipping lands in the barrel due to too soft lead.
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I have recieved some info:

I am here quoting from the mail I recieved from Taipan:

Hi Jens(my name)

"Now we have 12groove CZ barrels no chock. Now we testing 4,5caliber in 40j but for sure we will test also more. Maximum length of slugs is 12mm. Best regards Marek Dengl"..

Here was my question from my first mail

"Hi Taipan.

Congratulations with your new release of the Slash.

I am ekstremly impressed with its performance.

Here in Denmark all airguns are free to own if the caliber is 4,5mm.

When the Slash does upward 59 ft/ibs or 80joule in .177cal(4,5mm) it can only be usefull with heavy slugs like ZANS 22-24grain slugs. However what is the twistratio in the barrel of the 4,5mm?..

KIndest regards. Jens"

I have replied with following reply:

Hi Merak.

Thank you so much for returning so quicly.

I have been into guns, rifles, revolvers, blackpowder etc etc for 38 years and ofcouse airgunning.

The airguns we can buy today(Thanks to you guys) are now so powerfull ordinary barrels doesn`t work well anymore. Barrels with 1;18 or 1:17 or maybe steeper may not work with +24grain slugs.

Your SLASH does upwards 59 ft/ibs(80joule) in 4,5mm which translate into 320 m/sec. Thats a lot of speed!. Remember most airgunpellets are soft lead. If the go too fast they foul the bore. The aim in general for soft lead whether its revolvers etc 1000 ft/sec is the fastest. From here one must add tin to the alloy.

I would say the ideal velocity is between 280-300 m/sec( 918-984 ft/sec). To calculate this into a projectile doing 59 ft/ibs the weight of this projectile can be raised to 28grain doing 974 ft/sec.

I order to use a 28grain 4,5mm bullet the twist must be something 1:14 or even 1;13. For such power its bullets only!..

The .17 Remington uses a 1;9 barrel to shoot a 25grain bullet @ 4300 ft/sec. But thats a jacket bullet. Soft lead bullet like airgun bullets doesn`t need the sharper twistratio.

Let me hear you thoughts. The SLASH is definately breaks new grounds.

With kindest regards Jens
I have recieved some info:

I am here quoting from the mail I recieved from Taipan:

Hi Jens(my name)

"Now we have 12groove CZ barrels no chock. Now we testing 4,5caliber in 40j but for sure we will test also more. Maximum length of slugs is 12mm. Best regards Marek Dengl"..

Here was my question from my first mail

"Hi Taipan.

Congratulations with your new release of the Slash.

I am ekstremly impressed with its performance.

Here in Denmark all airguns are free to own if the caliber is 4,5mm.

When the Slash does upward 59 ft/ibs or 80joule in .177cal(4,5mm) it can only be usefull with heavy slugs like ZANS 22-24grain slugs. However what is the twistratio in the barrel of the 4,5mm?..

KIndest regards. Jens"

Something better than nothing, although you would think they would've done that testing already before showing it off.
Something better than nothing, although you would think they would've done that testing already before showing it off.
Exactly my thoughts. It's a bold move to show and say things before testing. If everything they say is true, L2 will have to come up with the L3 with the same power or more. :ROFLMAO:
What are you guys thinking of this vs the leshiy 2?
I understand no one has been able to try it yet and would be pure speculation at this point.
I’m still pretty new to understanding/comparing all the specs.
It's too early to know for sure, but it seems the Slash will be cheaper and slightly more powerful than the L2.
The magazine/index system seems to be more eficient as well. The magazines seem much wider and don't require megnetic plates to keep projectiles in place. This will likely make the mags cheaper as well. Also, dry firing without a magazine is not possible. Which in the case of the L2 will cause the transfer port to launch into space.

Knowing Taipan, the trigger will likely be superior as well.

The only thing the L2 has going for it is the fact that you can fold the buttstock. It also remains to be seen if the Slash will be just as modular/customizable as the L2.

But again, that's just speculation at this point. We won't know until we actually see it in action.
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My 4.5 mm Two in 700 mm is listed from Epic with a 79 J power ( using 16 grain beast pellet ) i think that pellet need to fly really fast to get to 79 J
For sure speeds that will yield 0 accuracy i think.
I have been above 70 J shooting 22 and 24 grain Zan slugs, and i can also push them even faster but i have not tried that of course.

I see no reason listing a power enevelop you can not successfully achieve with any off the shelf ammo, and not least still have accuracy,,,,,, good accuracy.
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It’s comical how you guys assume Taipan isn’t knowledgeable about the effects of twist rates. They haven’t even released the rifle yet. They simply made a statement about power potential. But go on flex your knowledge about twist rates to the guys who built a rifle with a cult-like following. And did it with out fancy marketing or paid shooters.
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My 4.5 mm Two in 700 mm is listed from Epic with a 79 J power ( using 16 grain beast pellet ) i think that pellet need to fly really fast to get to 79 J
For sure speeds that will yield 0 accuracy i think.
I have been above 70 J shooting 22 and 24 grain Zan slugs, and i can also push them even faster but i have not tried that of course.

I see no reason listing a power enevelop you can not successfully achieve with any off the shelf ammo, and not least still have accuracy,,,,,, good accuracy.
Ths what I have been telling for years and years. When you mention this to the manufature they go completely silent!.

The airgun industry is not there yet. It will take some more years. The limitation is still the barrels. Everything else is there.

Btw. No reply from Taipan.
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