The CZs are turning out to be the best .22cal airgun barrels that I have ever had.

Tuned 550mm (choked):


Tuned, unchoked 700mm:

Factory choked shorty (Mutant):

@vetmx Well, I have had my Taipan Vet Compact since last year and I have converts to it already. I guess you are a “Taipan Influencer” ;)

Also, I am happy to see such a great company getting a good name for themselves. I think it is solid platform that is designed for purpose and doesn’t try to be something it is now.

I don’t think I was very influential. Felt like everyone just blew the gun off because the name didn’t start with a F, D or E. I believe when mtnGhost went crazy on his Taipan by putting a FX barrel on it then modding the valve and sending the power skyward, that got some people’s attention about the brand. I just couldn’t believe a gun this good flew below the radar for so long. Then finally when enough guys had them, good old internet excitement took care of the rest. The gun is a boxy club and some guys sold them because of it. But some of those guys returned to the gun when they realized the grass is definitely greener when it comes to ergonomics with other brands but the grass was brown in the reliability and consistency. I also remember guys saying the rear cocking was a deal breaker, my reply was only if you’re hunting Cape buffalo or lions. It can be excused on a excellent gun.

Blocky club! HA HA HA! Thats a spot on description. That is part of what ALMOST caused me to sell mine. I stuck with it and adjusted MY style of shooting the the Taipan and now I'm TOTALLY HOOKED. I am still hoping for a forward cocking lever though.... if I had the skills and tools I'd try to cobble something together myself. I have an idea but no way to execute it. It would be a retro fit kit that could be added to any of the existing Taipans(Vets) and to either side for the shooters preference. Someday.....
The more I think about it maybe it was zx10wall that went crazy with his Taipan a few years ago. Either way it was a very good topic. Hopefully it didn’t inspire too many guys to screw up their own guns. If you don’t possess tons of talent, leave your Taipan alone. Sourcing parts because you made a mistake might not go so well.

What I had in mind would basically be a bolt on addition and no modifying of any of the stock gun. I have no interest in opening mine up. I like the set it and forget it guns....
I just gotta say one feature that I love that I haven't thought about as none of my other guns have had them is the anti double load. I mean man is that handy to have! I use it alot more. I used to just shoot them off in the ground if I lost my shot opportunity but now I use that anti double load feature alot!

Agree, it's the best mag and anti-double load design of which I know. I routinely de-cock with a pellet chambered. It's then safe to move with the rifle, and if a shot opportunity occurs, just re-cock. If the shot doesn't happen, de-cock again and move on. As with most of my rifles, I never use the safety. My sear engagement and weight adjustments tend to be light, so I never trust a safety.
I FREQUENTLY decock and love the feature. Can't do without it.

I wonder what other guns have that feature

With most other anti-double load designs, de-cocking defeats it, it's telling the rifle it has been fired. The HW100 can be operated this way, you just have to disengage the mag advance slide, then either manually advance the mag, or re-engage the advance gear. 
Funny how times have changed. Four years ago when I got mine, I was shocked how good it was. Unlike a more expensive gun that I parted with right before I bought my Taipan, my Veteran was always dead on and consistent. On this forum, when guys would ask what’s the best airgun, I would say a Taipan. It was nothing but crickets chirping. I couldn’t believe there was no interest in such a fine gun. Over the last year or so it looks like guys finally woke up.

Looks like your shroud is further forward than usual?

Extra plenum. Had to balance out the look of the gun by adding another chamber in the front of the shroud. Now the gun just goes “tink”.

Did you do the whole shroud flip I've heard about? Is that just a matter of swapping the end caps of the shroud and reinstalling? (Gotta take up the extra space in the shroud of course.)
I FREQUENTLY decock and love the feature. Can't do without it.

I wonder what other guns have that feature

With most other anti-double load designs, de-cocking defeats it, it's telling the rifle it has been fired. The HW100 can be operated this way, you just have to disengage the mag advance slide, then either manually advance the mag, or re-engage the advance gear.

Thank You Sir.
Funny how times have changed. Four years ago when I got mine, I was shocked how good it was. Unlike a more expensive gun that I parted with right before I bought my Taipan, my Veteran was always dead on and consistent. On this forum, when guys would ask what’s the best airgun, I would say a Taipan. It was nothing but crickets chirping. I couldn’t believe there was no interest in such a fine gun. Over the last year or so it looks like guys finally woke up.

Looks like your shroud is further forward than usual?

Extra plenum. Had to balance out the look of the gun by adding another chamber in the front of the shroud. Now the gun just goes “tink”.

Did you do the whole shroud flip I've heard about? Is that just a matter of swapping the end caps of the shroud and reinstalling? (Gotta take up the extra space in the shroud of course.)

No. I just moved it forward. I had to build some spacers for the back of the shroud, then make another chamber for the front. When you screw the end cap on a Taipan, the baffle stack starts to pull the shroud forward to an E clip that’s on the barrel. It is a completely genius way of securing a shroud on a gun. No need to have the shroud threaded onto the receiver or some mount and you don’t have to rely on a tiny grub screw. Measurements for the spacers and extra chamber have to be precise so everything jives. 
Funny how times have changed. Four years ago when I got mine, I was shocked how good it was. Unlike a more expensive gun that I parted with right before I bought my Taipan, my Veteran was always dead on and consistent. On this forum, when guys would ask what’s the best airgun, I would say a Taipan. It was nothing but crickets chirping. I couldn’t believe there was no interest in such a fine gun. Over the last year or so it looks like guys finally woke up.

Looks like your shroud is further forward than usual?

Extra plenum. Had to balance out the look of the gun by adding another chamber in the front of the shroud. Now the gun just goes “tink”.

Did you do the whole shroud flip I've heard about? Is that just a matter of swapping the end caps of the shroud and reinstalling? (Gotta take up the extra space in the shroud of course.)

No. I just moved it forward. I had to build some spacers for the back of the shroud, then make another chamber for the front. When you screw the end cap on a Taipan, the baffle stack starts to pull the shroud forward to an E clip that’s on the barrel. It is a completely genius way of securing a shroud on a gun. No need to have the shroud threaded onto the receiver or some mount and you don’t have to rely on a tiny grub screw. Measurements for the spacers and extra chamber have to be precise so everything jives.

That's awesome. Thanks for the info!

Mine Taipans veteran long .22 was a laser out to 100yds. Never slouched compared to other guns.

Wouldn't say bottle guns are better at 100yds ever but maybe longer and heavier bullpups might be easier to shoot at 100yds. But it's not the air source like bottle vs tube that makes them better shooters at 100yds. My Taipans and Edguns have held there own against some of the best out there. My EVOL too. All tube guns.