Taipan Taipan Veteran 2 Tactical 550mm .22

I saw this topic when it started but didn’t look at it. While waiting on a PM I decided to glance over it. Because I’ve lived it many times, I think you’re looking for something with a gun. Figured how could I go wrong with a Taipan now that they have some slug hype around them. It could do almost what you want it to do by cranking it up, install a truck spring but then you might be stuck with a dumbed down pellet tune. It would be very nice to have a 21gr pellet and a 21gr slug shoot perfectly out of a gun without messing with it. But that’s rare. So my advice is if it’s not worth having a bottle hanging compared to your other favorite gun, sell it. Doesn’t mean it’s a bad gun. Just not worth keeping because it didn’t check all the boxes you wanted to check.

When I briefly wanted my Taipan to be a slug shooter, I had to go all in. It was good but I felt I was beating it up. It’s what you have to do if you don’t buy the long version of a rifle.
Well my thoughts were I thought the gun would be alittle more different than it was. But basically it was the exact same gun but with forward cocking, a bottle, and a different barrel retention setup. Accuracy and power capabilities were the exact same. That was a miss on my part. But all good. New owner will be happy. I was just 2 guns so similar doesn't make sense to me. Again oversight on my part.
So you are parting ways with the Vet 2 ? I was wondering why you needed two shooting at the same power levels but didn't want to be a downer . For me around 32 fpe is great for pesting with 16-18gr pellets but the 25.4s and slugs are a different story and 45-60 fpe really helps get things up to speed in .22 cal . I know guys shoot them slower but I don't like the loopy trajectory. A large plenum and a 600mm and longer barrel really helps keep the reg pressures down and you don't need to push the limits like with a compact. At least you get to try a lot of airguns on your journey.
Well my thoughts were I thought the gun would be alittle more different than it was. But basically it was the exact same gun but with forward cocking, a bottle, and a different barrel retention setup. Accuracy and power capabilities were the exact same. That was a miss on my part. But all good. New owner will be happy. I was just 2 guns so similar doesn't make sense to me. Again oversight on my part.
Your thread generated a lot of interest, with more than 2,000 views and many replies along the way.

A lot of good input was shared and you found the 20.83g pellet, which I assume will shoot also great in your Vet 1. You also found a great slug.

Your thread will probably help sell more Vet 2 Taipans, ( I’m considering) because of your early testing and experience. This also reassured your continued confidence in keeping your Vet 1. Let’s not forget that sub MOA average group size at 50Y with the 18.1’s. Pretty good justification!! 😉

Nothing bad about any of this.
So you are parting ways with the Vet 2 ? I was wondering why you needed two shooting at the same power levels but didn't want to be a downer . For me around 32 fpe is great for pesting with 16-18gr pellets but the 25.4s and slugs are a different story and 45-60 fpe really helps get things up to speed in .22 cal . I know guys shoot them slower but I don't like the loopy trajectory. A large plenum and a 600mm and longer barrel really helps keep the reg pressures down and you don't need to push the limits like with a compact. At least you get to try a lot of airguns on your journey.
Yup parted ways already. Yeah for some reason I thought it was a more powerful gun like 50fpe and it can be but with more effort than I wanted. Again my oversight. But yes I have gotten to try lots of different guns and enjoyed it. Also making me realize maybe I really don't need anything else. Also found the consistency between both barrels to be very similar with both shooting the 18gr JTS, 20.83gr pellets and KOs pretty much exactly the same. Only thing different was the Vet1 Also really liked the VKs and just did ok in the Vet2. Not sure I would have tried them if I didn't have the Vet2 so am thankful I did.
Your thread generated a lot of interest, with more than 2,000 views and many replies along the way.

A lot of good input was shared and you found the 20.83g pellet, which I assume will shoot also great in your Vet 1. You also found a great slug.

Your thread will probably help sell more Vet 2 Taipans, ( I’m considering) because of your early testing and experience. This also reassured your continued confidence in keeping your Vet 1. Let’s not forget that sub MOA average group size at 50Y with the 18.1’s. Pretty good justification!! 😉

Nothing bad about any of this.
Yup like said plenty of good come out of it. As said I wouldn't have tried the new pellets or slugs if I didn't have the Vet2 so learned they did well and also they did well in my Vet1. Lol yes maybe it might sell more who knows. But honestly I knew the Vet2 would be an easier sell so that's why I did choose to sell it over the Vet1. I liked the Vet2 equally, maybe slightly more with the forward cocking it was really nice. But yeah easier sell and I've got my Vet1 so dialed in with everything just made sense to keep it. And yes incredible with the 18gr JTS. But the new Vet2 showed basically identical groups so would have held with the 18gr also.