Taipan Taipan Veteran II Tactical aka Ugly Fat Pig

Comments, sure. Trolling, no, and there is a difference.

I wasn’t upset by the ugly comments or any of the opinions such as you are expressing above. It’s clear that you and other Taipan fans were put off by the Tactical’s appearance. That’s common any time a manufacturer introduces a new and radically different model. Consider the firestorm when Daystate introduced the Pulsar, a HUGE deviation from their traditional line and, along with its slightly less radical half brother, the first and last Daystate Bullpup. The Tactical may be like the Pulsar if the Taipan buyers vote with their pocketbook and sales reflect that. If the model sells well, the Tactical may stay in the line and eventually have descendants.

However, the repetition of the same comments over and over just to get a rise out of the readers is trolling. I’m new to this group but as an old fart who has spent a far amount of time on a number of other groups with my other interests, I have seen too many groups where the free exchange of good information gets lost in the clutter of trolling. I have learned a lot by reading the majority of the postings here and the exchange of information I have found is invaluable. The trolling that has surfaced in this thread is another story.

Well now that that is off my chest I see the Sun just came out here so I’m out to see how the Tactical shoots.


Well I have one in .22 with the green 2-piece stock and the 700mm barrel and it is damn accurate. It does very well with the 23.95g JSB Jumbo Monster RDs and it loves the 23.95g KO .218s. And the trigger is fantastic with the only one better (IMHO) is my Red Wolf. And it's on sale at talontunes!
I have one showing up here in the next couple days hopefully… a tactical veteran 2 also in .22, synthetic stock, 700mm barrel.

Honestly to me the bottle I don’t mind because it just means more shots between fills, the massive stocks with the hand cutouts I just can’t stomach.….give me an ar15 style grip and something to put on my shoulder and I’m happy. The big clunky slabs of wood just don’t do it for me.

I’m not a bullpup fan either, but I sure like what I’ve heard about taipan’s accuracy and quality. So it was a reputation based buy for me. Hopefully there’s no major disappointment.
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I’m not a bullpup fan either, but I sure like what I’ve heard about taipan’s accuracy and quality. So it was a reputation based buy for me. Hopefully there’s no major disappointment.
I hopefully have a Standard II incoming soon from TT (tho it's been 2 weeks and nothing but silence). I don't mind bullpups, and also don't like a lot of the wood "slab sided" rifles out there. However, the laminate helps break it up visually, and I don't care for the aluminum rail with a hand grip look. It was a purchase based on reputation for me as well.

Edit: Yay! Just got a voicemail from Tony that it's shipping today!
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I took my Vet 2 Tactical 700mm out yesterday to the range. At a 250bar fill, I get 60 shots before it drops to 180bar (I'm guessing at the pressure drop off - haven't really chrony'd it yet to know). I shot both pellets and slugs with no distinction between which grouped better at 25, 50, 100 and 200 yards. I didn't have paper at 200 (actually 230) but I was able to hit all the smallest steel targets using the slugs. Since it is heavier than my other bullpups, it gets a lot more bench time. I will take it hunting when I am more stationary than walking around. I'm trying to get a 550mm barrel and short silencer for some night time ratting!
I hopefully have a Standard II incoming soon from TT (tho it's been 2 weeks and nothing but silence). I don't mind bullpups, and also don't like a lot of the wood "slab sided" rifles out there. However, the laminate helps break it up visually, and I don't care for the aluminum rail with a hand grip look. It was a purchase based on reputation for me as well.

Edit: Yay! Just got a voicemail from Tony that it's shipping today!
Nice! I suspect he’s backed up a bit, I ordered mine from Tony as well. Heard from him after a few days, took maybe 4-5 days or so before it shipped out, I added a power adjuster to mine, so that was a factor. Then usps is taking their dear sweet time to deliver it…no complaints though, I have toys to play with in the meantime! I’m just getting the itch to shoot it!
I hope it works. You can always put it on a 450cc dirt bike. It might actually be longer than what’s on my MX bike. Good heavens, it really looks outrageous. Or did they do it to distract customers from that bottle that looks like a Lego Crosman build. It’s ugly as hell but I’m 99.9% sure it will be a performer. Just keep it away from mirrors.
We all have the power to ignore and as individuals not be bothered by things so troll on who cares. I don’t mind the looks of the one with a solid one pie wood stock. Actually looks pretty sweet and they seem to shoot awesome. Maybe some day. My only downside is if I lose a tiny little sear or something how is it going to be replaced. Otherwise taipan and agt seem totally solid.
Just to attest to the Vet 2 tactical, here is my 100 yard target from yesterday at the range. I was using JSB KOs .218 25.39g at an average of 940fps (49.8 fpe). I had the front on a bipod but was just holding the back - to practice more of my hunting style. The gun clearly is better than me! The Vet is the target on the right. The target on the left is my Red Wolf HP .22. Between the triggers on those two, I can't complain!

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Gotcha and thanks to both of you. It was just different terminology.
No problem, I think it will be a handy thing to have, although once I find the ammo it likes and the optimum setting I doubt it’ll budge once I find its “preferred loads” for pellets and slugs, I am not sure how much use it’ll get.

My goal is to be able to just have a consistent shooter.