Taipan Veteran safety not working right

OK simple fix remove 2 side cover screws , then you see trigger rod the trigger linkage bar is slid into a receiver and held with a 2mm screw. loosen that screw and slide the bar in or out a tiny bit and re tighten. and recheck this will fix gun .

here is pic its accually of my post in 2018 but if you say loostened clamps or say did a reg adj it may be off a whisker and easier to do this then move action front or back

1535843247_2747147635b8b1bafe7ea08.37071720_taipan trigger.jpg
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The safety has gotten stiff sometimes now to where I literally cannot even engage it and have to decock the gun to walk around while hunting. Does anyone have a simple guide or diagram (or explanation) showing how to disassemble and reassemble whatever needs fixing?

Similar to almost all air rifles, this is not a safety in which I have much comfort. Luckily, the Veteran has probably the best anti-double load feature available, so decocking is the only way I will move around with it. It can be cocked and decocked without limitation, a great system. But, if the trigger is adjusted with minimal sear engagement, it can too easily be accidentally discharged. It can be adjusted to work properly as described above, but I would still decock if moving around.