So, I received “my order has shipped” notification on 8/23/2022. I waited for two day’s and kept checking my UPS app to see the progress. I called BC on yesterday morning to ask if the package had gone out or if they had just created a label; how many times have I gotten the label created but the item never shipped, many!!!
I was told, and believed, the package went out and it was in the hands of UPS. I was good with that and just decided to wait until Monday and see what happens. Later in the afternoon I receive a notification from UPS that my package was dropped of at a UPS center in NJ; mind you BC is in Fargo North Dakota.
I give UPS a call and ask how this is possible and if they really thought that someone from BC drove to NJ and dropped it off; the initial response was YES! After some extreme debating the UPS person put me through to their supervisor who still didn’t believe what I was trying to explain. So I called BC with UPS on the line and had them speak with a BC representative.
What an enjoyable conversation it was as he explained to the lady that the big brown truck comes daily to pickup and then goes to the Fargo hub with their packages. I was extremely pleased with how BC took the tome to explain that they don’t have a facility in NJ and that no-one drove to NJ to drop off the item.
UPS at that point acknowledged that 1. The driver didn’t scan the package, 2. When the package was scanned it was done incorrectly and 3. The package was actually scanned at the UPS hub and not a UPS store like they stated. Funny that after going through all this my package is now out for delivery and I was called this morning from UPS with the update and an apology.
Why did I tell all of this? I did this to show that not everyone will create a label and just let your package sit. I appreciate BC for listening and helping resolve the issue, which, was not their doing. Because the create label has happened so often I began to distrust and it was a pleasure to see and deal with a company that, at least for me, did what they said and was willing to help.
Great job!!