Talk me into KEEPING a .25cal PCP! What does .25cal do that .22cal can't?
I wanted a gun that
trashes the feral pigeons in a spectacular manner.
But no hollow point or slug I have tried — even at 60+ FPE — could accomplish that.
So, now I have a .25cal
P2 Prophet II Compact Performance
with 500mm RPB [slug] barrel—
and I wonder what I should use this gun for....

What does my .25cal do that my .22cal
P1 Prophet I Compact Performance
with 400mm CZ barrel
does not...?
Help me out — am I missing something?
Maybe I AM missing something — because I have noted a lot of airgunners that buy
compact .25cal PCPs.
Pigeons out to 100y: Both P1 and P2 shoot with precision, and they shoot slugs. Dead is dead.
Bigger game: In Peru we don't get to shoot much bigger game than ducks, hares, and vizcachas:
Both P1 and P2 would kill them fine. Dead is dead.
Long range shooting — say 200y: The P1 will do OK out to 100y.
On my first try the P2 did a pretty good group with ATP Smooth slugs.
But the 500 compact barrel seems a limitation....
Better BC: What surprised me is that .25cal pellets usually don't have a better BC than .22cal pellets (the .25 Heavy dome at 33.95gr being the exception).
So, no big advantage there....
What am I forgetting?

What does my .25cal do that my .22cal does not...?