N/A 💢 Talk me into KEEPING a .25cal PCP! — What does .25cal do that .22cal can't?

If you have a 22 that can shoot heavy slugs >25g at 900 fps or faster then you don't really need at 25 the 22 slugs will do almost everything a 25 can do. A 22 shooting <=18g pellets at 900 fps isn't a substitute for a 25 when you have raccoons to terminate. It would limit you to ideal shot placements with little margin for errors.

I have a 177 can 25 and I do find the 177 a PITA to load compared the the ease with the 25.
💢 Talk me into KEEPING a .25cal PCP!

What does .25cal do that .22cal can't?

I wanted a gun that trashes the feral pigeons in a spectacular manner.
But no hollow point or slug I have tried — even at 60+ FPE — could accomplish that.

So, now I have a .25cal P2
Prophet II Compact Performance
with 500mm RPB [slug] barrel—
and I wonder what I should use this gun for....
❓ What does my .25cal do that my .22cal P1
Prophet I Compact Performance
with 400mm CZ barrel
does not...?

Help me out — am I missing something?

Maybe I AM missing something — because I have noted a lot of airgunners that buy
compact .25cal PCPs.

Pigeons out to 100y:
Both P1 and P2 shoot with precision, and they shoot slugs. Dead is dead.

Bigger game:
In Peru we don't get to shoot much bigger game than ducks, hares, and vizcachas:
Both P1 and P2 would kill them fine. Dead is dead.

Long range shooting — say 200y:
The P1 will do OK out to 100y.
On my first try the P2 did a pretty good group with ATP Smooth slugs.
But the 500 compact barrel seems a limitation....

Better BC:
What surprised me is that .25cal pellets usually don't have a better BC than .22cal pellets (the .25 Heavy dome at 33.95gr being the exception).
So, no big advantage there....

What am I forgetting? 🤔

❓ What does my .25cal do that my .22cal does not...?

Thanks, 😊

If it were me, I’d sell one and buy a long barrel of of your caliber choice with some of the proceeds. I’m partial to .22 and it has all the energy I need. I also prefer the simplicity and robustness of the P1 valve. Both the RPB and the LR barrels are available for around $250 if you can ship to Peru.
I have several of each, and fortunately or unfortunately, I love them all. But if I could only have one, it would be in .22. With ammo and technological advances, the .22 will do everything I need it to do in either a killing or target situation.

More ammo choices, flatter trajectory, etc.
What some of you mentioned helped me reconsider —
✅ .22cal gets more shots per fill —
✅ is quieter(!).

And both of those are concerns to me....

🔘 .25cal
I have a pigeon session coming up and will try to put some of your advice to the test: Maybe the .25cal Hybrids will come through for me after all. — If I could just have the Halos! — then this thread might never have come to existence. 😃

🔘 .22cal
I also will try some Altaros slugs in the .22cal at 200y — to compare their performance to the .25cal. — If they're about even, my .25cal lost it's only real edge over my .22cal....

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If it were me, I’d sell one and buy a long barrel of of your caliber choice with some of the proceeds. I’m partial to .22 and it has all the energy I need. I also prefer the simplicity and robustness of the P1 valve. Both the RPB and the LR barrels are available for around $250 if you can ship to Peru.


I bought these guns as COMPACT guns for a good reason.... 😉

However, if this .25cal gun does not do what I bought it for, I probably will go off on the deep end to make sure I don't choose caliber and barrel length wrongly again:
9mm caliber bullpup, with 800mm barrel
nope, I won't leave anything to chance anymore..... 😆

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