Airforce Talon SS Refurbishment

I picked up a non-working .22 Talon SS a month or so back. My first foray into AirForce. Didn't hold air and the seller was not mechanically inclined. Got it cheap :) .

Fixed the valve on the bottle, o'ring came out in 3 pieces. That made the gun serviceable. Fired it didn't chrony.

I had a 1.1L fat bottle from one of my less stellar *ideas* and figured WTF and ordered a Cricket Z-Valve from Huben Power. It arrived and is now installed with the 1.1L and in the "does it hold air overnight" testing phase.

In the mean time I ordered a bunch of parts from Trajectron in India. Springs, hammers, Spin-Loc kit. The latter turned into a farce so that got put to the back of the queue.

Ordered some high flow (6mm orifice) internals for the standard valves from AliExpress.

Tomorrow I'll put it through the chrony and see how it works with the Huben/1.1L combo. Try some pellets and slugs, get the baseline with the same mid-point power setting.

Once all the parts are in I'll play with the high flow valve, 2 different hammers and a heavy spring. Probably start with the Huben Regulator to see how it does with the heavy hammer and spring. Then the high flow valve.

I have a Huben MAX-ATH Universal coming in so I may see if that 50cc plenum adds anything to the mix.

Still not a fan of the single shot form factor. Lacks the instant gratification of a Semi auto and the usability of a bolt/lever action.

-- Matt
Looks great... the platforms is perfect for Frankengun applications.
My latest AF pieced together while the weather has been poop here. Just a plinker in .177. Havent chronied it yet, but hoping for 12fpe. Short bottle on it to compensate for the reg so same LOP as with the longer bottle. I should repaint that shroud. The reg timed in at the gauges at 12 and 6. Doesnt bother me enough to try to re-time it.

17 Talon.jpg
I picked up a non-working .22 Talon SS a month or so back. My first foray into AirForce. Didn't hold air and the seller was not mechanically inclined. Got it cheap :) .

Fixed the valve on the bottle, o'ring came out in 3 pieces. That made the gun serviceable. Fired it didn't chrony.

I had a 1.1L fat bottle from one of my less stellar *ideas* and figured WTF and ordered a Cricket Z-Valve from Huben Power. It arrived and is now installed with the 1.1L and in the "does it hold air overnight" testing phase.

In the mean time I ordered a bunch of parts from Trajectron in India. Springs, hammers, Spin-Loc kit. The latter turned into a farce so that got put to the back of the queue.

Ordered some high flow (6mm orifice) internals for the standard valves from AliExpress.

Tomorrow I'll put it through the chrony and see how it works with the Huben/1.1L combo. Try some pellets and slugs, get the baseline with the same mid-point power setting.

Once all the parts are in I'll play with the high flow valve, 2 different hammers and a heavy spring. Probably start with the Huben Regulator to see how it does with the heavy hammer and spring. Then the high flow valve.

I have a Huben MAX-ATH Universal coming in so I may see if that 50cc plenum adds anything to the mix.

The High Flow Valve from trajectron the condor is very powerful...In a 26inch 12 twist .222 cal i could get 55 grain slugs to 1040 fps.. with 110 gram hammer and heavy spring. I need to make a order from trajectron..

-- Matt
Working now on setting up a .177 slugger. Always wanted to try such and so figured I'd give it a go. Saw that AF had Condors on the 'Outlet' section for $395, but only in .177 and .20 caliber so grabbed one. As of yet, havent done anything with it other than air up, function test and leak test.

Got some NSA slugs on order coming in tomorrow . Site says they do well in LW barrels. Need to get a baseline on it and then see what fill range, PW setting, etc, etc gives the best spread on shots. Will then test groups. I have a Maddog stock I can swap out and throw on to test if that helps with groups and if so, will be picking one up for it.
The Trajectron site is interesting, how is the quality and delivery time?
small stuff ships DHL for $17.00, 3-4 days too get to US from India
I like the place, prices are a bit high but they do have thngs that are either hard to find or obsolete.
Lots of FX and AirForce parts and upgrades
Ive done 4 orders in the last couple months refurbishing older rifles.
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I am still torn on what cal I will go with when I buy an 18” barrel. Rob, I am very interested in your results with the lil’slugger.

Spindle, I like what you have gong on with your SS. The bottle is interestin.
1.1L fat Acecare CF tank with a Huben Power Cricket Z-Valve.
Had the bottle from a previous experiment gone bad so I ordered the Z-Valve and there ya go.
I've put a good 50 rounds down range and the needle as barely moved.
Working now on setting up a .177 slugger. Always wanted to try such and so figured I'd give it a go. Saw that AF had Condors on the 'Outlet' section for $395, but only in .177 and .20 caliber so grabbed one. As of yet, havent done anything with it other than air up, function test and leak test.

Got some NSA slugs on order coming in tomorrow . Site says they do well in LW barrels. Need to get a baseline on it and then see what fill range, PW setting, etc, etc gives the best spread on shots. Will then test groups. I have a Maddog stock I can swap out and throw on to test if that helps with groups and if so, will be picking one up for it.
Started playing with slugs this morning.
Going to have to drain the bottle and increase the regulated pressure.
Was getting 650fps at 2200psi and 11 on the power wheel
H&N 36gr slugs
Probably go up to 2700psi
Started playing with slugs this morning.
Going to have to drain the bottle and increase the regulated pressure.
Was getting 650fps at 2200psi and 11 on the power wheel
H&N 36gr slugs
Probably go up to 2700psi
Still too cold out for me to try such. I'm a fair weather shooter...haha. I do think the .177 junk build is probably closer to 15fpe than the 12 I was hoping for, but the reality is that I wont bother with degassing to adjust.

The Condor though.... I'm really interested in seeing what kind of a shot count and velocity I can get out of it. While I dont have the slugs yet, I do have some 13.4gr Monsters I can try out of it, if it warms up a bit.

Have you started trying to group them at all or still dialing in velocity?
Still too cold out for me to try such. I'm a fair weather shooter...haha. I do think the .177 junk build is probably closer to 15fpe than the 12 I was hoping for, but the reality is that I wont bother with degassing to adjust.

The Condor though.... I'm really interested in seeing what kind of a shot count and velocity I can get out of it. While I dont have the slugs yet, I do have some 13.4gr Monsters I can try out of it, if it warms up a bit.

Have you started trying to group them at all or still dialing in velocity?
Yes and no.
During the day, i try to group.
Overnight, hit the center of the target.
I shake too much so I get occasional rounds off the target.
But it looks like this rifle will hit what you aim at.
That knock-off Leupold isnt a bad scope. I bought a couple 6-24x60 scopes on Aliexpress for $50ish.
They arrived in Leupold boxes and are marked Leupold.
Only the 6-24x60 and the SFIR are like the Leupold. Most assuredly not FFP.

I shoot out the open window here in my office so weather is pretty much a non factor for me.
Started playing with slugs this morning.
Going to have to drain the bottle and increase the regulated pressure.
Was getting 650fps at 2200psi and 11 on the power wheel
H&N 36gr slugs
Probably go up to 2700psi
Are you using the stock hammer? I have a talon ss .25 I put a huben cricket 50cc reg on and had to increase hammer weight after I turned the reg past 1400psi. I'm at 1700psi now, any more than that and it started slowing down. getting right around 775 fps with 26gn hades. Very accurate and tons of shots. Just put a 18" .22 barrel in it last night. My cheap china chronograph only reads up to 1200fps. The first shot was 728, after that one I can only guess they where going faster because it stopped reading and got really loud! I bought a mod adapter from talon airguns but the barrel sticks out to far to use it. Think I'm going to turn the end of it down and thread it. Might get the caldwell out in a little while and see what it's doing with these 18gn pellets.
.36 litre, 4500 psi bottle. Keeps the LOP the same as the factory bottle.

Are you using the stock hammer? I have a talon ss .25 I put a huben cricket 50cc reg on and had to increase hammer weight after I turned the reg past 1400psi. I'm at 1700psi now, any more than that and it started slowing down. getting right around 775 fps with 26gn hades. Very accurate and tons of shots. Just put a 18" .22 barrel in it last night. My cheap china chronograph only reads up to 1200fps. The first shot was 728, after that one I can only guess they where going faster because it stopped reading and got really loud! I bought a mod adapter from talon airguns but the barrel sticks out to far to use it. Think I'm going to turn the end of it down and thread it. Might get the caldwell out in a little while and see what it's doing with these 18gn pellets.
.36 litre, 4500 psi bottle. Keeps the LOP the same as the factory bottle.

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At the moment, I have 75g and 90g hammers and a heavy spring I just received from Trajectron the other day. The high flow valve is in route.
Hammers were $18 and change.
I'm just working on the baseline numbers so I have something to which I can compare once I get crazy.
