Talon ss vs condor ss

I'm looking at the air force talon ss and the air force condor ss in .22.

Is the condor that much of a better rifle than the talon?

I would be using this for squirrel/small game(no shots over 75 yds) hunting and target shooting.

Would it be worth to get the condor over the talon? I like the fact the talon is shorter making it more packable
I'm looking at the air force talon ss and the air force condor ss in .22.

Is the condor that much of a better rifle than the talon?

I would be using this for squirrel/small game(no shots over 75 yds) hunting and target shooting.

Would it be worth to get the condor over the talon? I like the fact the talon is shorter making it more packable

I own the Talon SS. Originally in .25 with a 12" barrel, I hated it's low velocity shot strings with JSB 25 grain (~ 65- FPS) so I converted it to a Talondor .22 with a 24" barrel. Now I am seeing 940 FPS with JSB 14.35 grains, and great accuracy out to 50 yards. I still need to add the condor valve.

If I were to do it all over again I would buy the Condor SS. The power is awesome. You can always turn down the power with a shorter barrel, lower the power wheel setting, or add a regulator. But if you need the extra FPS you can tap into it.
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I've owned multiple AF guns over the years. The best compromise seems to be a Talon with the 18 inch barrel. Can throw a mod on it if you want. Either way, you can always swap back and forth. Get another bottle with a high flow valve and throw in the extra hammer weight and you have a Condor. Or Get a Condor to start with and get the valve stem with the limiters if you want to drop down in power significantly. Personally, I find that when I get a gun 'set' I leave it and I would imagine most do the same with these guns... so for what you are describing, small game inside of 75 yards, Talon with 18 inch barrel and throw a mod on it if you need quiet... done.
I’ve had them all; .177 to .25. 12” barrels to 24”. Talons and Condors both.
As Rob said, the ideal package is a talon with the 18” barrel. It will make for a much easier easy tune getting 15.89/18.1 up to 900fps and still getting plenty of shots with a really nice SD/ES. And the LW AF barrels prefer the JSB pellets.
A Condor valve is more ideal for the heavier .25 pellets. Yes, you can shoot the 15-18g with the Condor valve but you will not be efficient and just be wasting air.
I added an 18” barrel to my .25 talon p and agree it’s a good setup. Voids warranty I guess…?

The talon P has a high flow condor type valve on the little bottle it comes with (all (?) of the other talon models have a less powerful valve than the talon P). Threads on the little bottle are different so you can’t put the TalonP valve on a condor tank fyi
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