Airforce TalonP Lane Regulated vs Non Regulated

Salutations, I am in a bit of a situation that's haunted me at night for 2 weeks. I shoot "Black Bob" my wicked custom TalonP without a Regulator / Diablo Hades 26.54 / Wheel on 7.5 / 3100 PSI with a max of 979.1, average 4 shot string (Only one I had saved) 954.8.
Installed a Lane Regulator MK 11 & Robert made me a custom blonde plenum 5/8 to accommodate my valve set to 3000 PSI / 207 bar.
At 43 yd I'm at the distance in my backyard being partially paralyzed now, so hunting is kind of out of the question except for Vermin at night. I I put 10 to 20 rounds in the same hole. Of course it expands a little bit but it's the same exact hole cuz I probably put 5,000 rounds through it.
Unregulated my average drop is about 22 to 24 Fps per shot & Regulated I'm still dropping about 17 Fps per shot🙃
It just doesn't seem worth it cuz I'm still having to eyeball it one way or the other. That's the range would be a little closer on the shots other than 17 FPS per shot. So I guess I'm looking for advice on adjusting the Reg to Maybe I like dropping 10 FPS per shot as this is my first regulator. My apologies if this was long and drawn out, first time ever posted on & when it comes the regulators I'm really lost. Shot count doesn't matter to me. More consistency does. Thank you. God bless us all

sounds like your fill pressure is 3100 and regulator set at 3000 .. that won't stay regulated for many shots, maybe only 1..
you'd need like a higher pressure tank, carbon fiber that you can fill to say 4500 and then you will have 4500-3000=1500 of air to shoot before you drop off the regulator.. so once you get below regulator pressure you are shooting non regulated.
Thank U so much, Now all the figures I've been reading about are becoming clear in meaning & their usage. I really have been Not trying to beat a dead horse to death as I'm sure y'all are tired of explaining. So my configuration Now is basically 1 regulated shot & then it's straight off a Cliff😂 Thanks Again & It's 4:00 a.m. where I'm at so I'm going to get up...
sounds like your fill pressure is 3100 and regulator set at 3000 .. that won't stay regulated for many shots, maybe only 1..
you'd need like a higher pressure tank, carbon fiber that you can fill to say 4500 and then you will have 4500-3000=1500 of air to shoot before you drop off the regulator.. so once you get below regulator pressure you are shooting non regulated.
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sounds like your fill pressure is 3100 and regulator set at 3000 .. that won't stay regulated for many shots, maybe only 1..
you'd need like a higher pressure tank, carbon fiber that you can fill to say 4500 and then you will have 4500-3000=1500 of air to shoot before you drop off the regulator.. so once you get below regulator pressure you are shooting non regulated.
Thank U so much, Now all the figures I've been reading about are becoming clear in meaning & their usage. I really have been Not trying to beat a dead horse to death as I'm sure y'all are tired of explaining. So my configuration Now is basically 1 regulated shot & then it's straight off a Cliff😂 Thanks Again & It's 4:00 a.m. where I'm at so I'm going to get up and drop it down to maybe 2500 + see if it improves all the way down to 2000. God Bless
Well lowered it 7 notches & doing the math got me down to 2320 on the Regulator. I shot a 10 shot string being it was 4° out here. Have to thank you again because for as much PSI as I lowered it on the regulator it's still a great starting point. Now in that string I have two shots that dropped 20 psi where the other ones were between 3 & 5. Is that normal to have one do that once in awhile??


I have no experience with Air force guns, but have you considered lowering your reg set point to 2000 psi or even 1800 psi? You'd have more regulated shots but might sacrifice some power. You might also try a lighter hammer strike? Your shot graph looks like the classic cliff from too much hammer strike.
I only mention this because none of the previous posts mention it.
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What is the size of the Plenum?

Is it taking too long to refill after each shot?
It should be almost instantaneous, but I've seen threads where posters discuss the long time required between shots. Less air in the plenum for each shot could be the issue.

Too much hammer dwell and too small a plenum, maybe?

My .22 Talon SS has the Huben Power Cricket Max-ATH with the 50CC plenum. I have a high flow valve, heavy spring and 90g hammer. I get VERY consistent FPS with a heavy pellets, about the same as your .25.

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I have no experience with Air force guns, but have you considered lowering your reg set point to 2000 psi or even 1800 psi? You'd have more regulated shots but might sacrifice some power. You might also try a lighter hammer strike? Your shot graph looks like the classic cliff from too much hammer strike.
I only mention this because none of the previous posts mention it.
I have Condor's and you are correct.. I think both lowering the regulator to 1800-2000 PSI and I would go to hammer spring between 2&4.. .. if that doesn't do a level string,I don't know what model you have.. my Condor's have a quick change top hat that allows you to meter the air out.. I don't remember the sizes but factory is wide open..if I want to shoot regular pellets I put in the 0.123 top hat, get a ton more shots..
I guess I should have communicated this before..
I have Condor's and you are correct.. I think both lowering the regulator to 1800-2000 PSI and I would go to hammer spring between 2&4.. .. if that doesn't do a level string,I don't know what model you have.. my Condor's have a quick change top hat that allows you to meter the air out.. I don't remember the sizes but factory is wide open..if I want to shoot regular pellets I put in the 0.123 top hat, get a ton more shots..
I guess I should have communicated this before..
oh and I don't have a regulator, just a stock Condor and Condor SS both in 22..
they really sling the h&n and Zan 40 grain slugs
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oh and I don't have a regulator, just a stock Condor and Condor SS both in 22..
they really sling the h&n and Zan 40 grain slugs
course if I put it on 12 power wheel the 24" barrel will put a 14 grain pellets at around 1400.. and 25 grain pellets are still super sonic, so I normally shoot around 6 for them and 8 for 34 grain beasts..
it will shoot the 40 grain slugs from power wheel 6-12 decently..
I do really notice that I go through a lot more air shooting the 40 grain slugs even if it is set on power wheel 6.. so I imagine that the back pressure is keeping the valve open longer.. longer dwell time from the longer barrel and getting it up to speed..
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JohnL57... Apology but unrelated. Trying to reach you after finding an old post where you mentioned you had an air rifle shooting area in Santa Barbara County. I used to shoot in the National Forest areas but that's all been taken away by the state. Don't want the clang and bang of the Winchester Gun Club so trying to find a permission property to target shoot at. Would you consider allowing me to shoot at your property? No place to shoot anymore! Gads! Please contact me at [email protected]. I live in Santa Barbara. Cheers!
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I have no experience with Air force guns, but have you considered lowering your reg set point to 2000 psi or even 1800 psi? You'd have more regulated shots but might sacrifice some power. You might also try a lighter hammer strike? Your shot graph looks like the classic cliff from too much hammer strike.
I only mention this because none of the previous posts mention it.
John, trying to reach you about the possibility of shooting on your range. Im in DT Santa Barbara and all my National Forest sites have been closed by the state. God Knows why. Anyway, no place to shoot anymore. I'm going crazy. If you could contact me at [email protected], I'd be so grateful. Cheers!