Tank Carrier

Just made me a couple of caddy's to carry my scba tanks, just some scrap lumber and some time. Keeps them from rolling around, protects them and let's me stand them up.
I like it.

I've seen some crazy contraptions posted here for carrying tanks but this one I like. Simple and does what you need it to (which for me would be mostly to keep it standing up). I just might copy you but I think I'll cut out an oval shaped hand hold for carrying right at the top.
I thought about do the hand hole but decided to just go with the paracord at the balance point for now. I can always cut a hole later if I see the need.
I like it.

I've seen some crazy contraptions posted here for carrying tanks but this one I like. Simple and does what you need it to (which for me would be mostly to keep it standing up). I just might copy you but I think I'll cut out an oval shaped hand hold for carrying right at the top.
Maybe one on the side and top.. who knows.. but they look good. Thanks for posting..