Tank fail

theyre pretty robust .. i wouldnt drop it though, if it cracked the valve im sure things would get exciting and thered be some soiled diapers before it was all over lol ...

..id say the most dangerous scenario, since theyre round, is them rolling off a table etc .. theyre heavy and you dont expect them to be able to roll sometimes but it can happen .. i had it happen to an expensive 200$ roll of tabbing wire one time, never thought it could the way i had it, but it did .. ruined the whole roll ...
I built a “cage” around mine about 12 years ago. PVC and pool noodles. 
Fell over once. No damage kinda a dull thud.

Stays in the cage. No need to remove it. I can carry it, transport it without fear of it sliding or rolling around, fill from it, even sit stuff on it when horizontal. 


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In view of the (probably) hundreds of posts here about compressors & tanks & the safety of said equipment, I don't believe anyone has ever posted or shown pics of catastrophic tank failure. Fittings, hoses & compressors, YES but not tanks. I worked 30 years in the fire protection field, including hydrotesting tanks, & I've never personally seen or had an SCBA tank fail. The tanks themselves are incredibly robust & engineered towards safety. 
Has anyone ever had a tank fail. Not talking slow leak. Maybe I had too many paranoid shop teachers but I always think about what happens if I drop my tank and it shoots though my garage like a missile.

A lot of tanks come with some form of protection. Mainly to stop it from rolling. This is probably the best tank bag I have seen. Always something burning a hole in my pocket!

I was given a big SCOTT TANK that had about a year left on the safety date, It would leak down to 3000 PSI every time I filled it up, Sprayed it with soap and water seen no leaks, Replaced the gauges. It still leaked 

Placed it in a full bath tub, Leaking all over the place,,, I filled it up about 4 times to 4500 psi NO boom 

The carbon fiber is designed to unwrap a little and not go boom so I have been told..

I dont think I would risk not getting a tank tested. For as little as it costs to ensure that nobody gets hurt or killed would be wise. Im sure the chance is small that it could happen, but Im not going to risk it. I could understand going over the date a bit. But I would not want to go to far beyond it. Im in no way doubting any ones personal experience with tanks. Not chancing it. On those who buy tanks from ebay or alliexpress. Your crazy. I would in no way do this. A lot of those Chinese manufactures can care less about human life. Sure many have been fine but there is no doubt that one floating around out there.
I dont think I would risk not getting a tank tested. For as little as it costs to ensure that nobody gets hurt or killed would be wise. Im sure the chance is small that it could happen, but Im not going to risk it. I could understand going over the date a bit. But I would not want to go to far beyond it. Im in no way doubting any ones personal experience with tanks. Not chancing it. On those who buy tanks from ebay or alliexpress. Your crazy. I would in no way do this. A lot of those Chinese manufactures can care less about human life. Sure many have been fine but there is no doubt that one floating around out there.

👆👆👆👆👆👆 THAT!!!!!

With all the FUD discussion around tank safety and yet hardly anyone talks about getting hydro testing done to get piece of mine for less than 30 dollars. As long as the tank is not expired by 1 month you can get the hydro testing done and have a piece of mind for at least 5 years which makes the tank useful life 20 years. As we know these tanks are meant to fail in a non catastrophic manor and even after the expiration you can simply fill them to a lower pressure for extra piece of mind. The hoses will fail before the tank if you get proper DOT SCBA tanks, I would not buy new Chinese tanks that are not DOT just because I can’t get it tested. Surplus SCBA tanks still can be had for 200 bucks with plenty of life left with professional grade valve on eBay.