Tank / Gauge Failure

Just had this happen.. Crazy.. Lucky I was just pressure testing and was only at 200 BAR and not higher.

Anyone have this happen? Looks like tank is okay and valave is okay.. Just the O-ring blew out. I had it on tight.



You didn't have the valve tightened up enough. The pressures these tanks hold , just the slightest small void will blow the o-ring at the neck. I use 90 durometer o-rings when replacing the valve , and finish tightening the connection with a rubber mallet. What size tank is that ? I have extra 0-rings for the larger tanks with the 7/8 -14 unf valve. If so, pm me and I'll send you a couple.
YA thats what I thought as well.. From my Scuba diving its just hand tightened snug.. I guess these require a little bit more encouragement.

I should have a spare o-ring that was included.. It held for 48 hours and then let go this morning. WE heard a rustling in the garage as the tank started moving around a but.

Thanks for the offer on the o-ring.. I'll hit you up if I need. Its a 4.7L Carbon Tank.

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Was that a replacement o-ring or ..............? I haven't had to crank down on any of my valves for a non-leaking seal either......yet. That's with brand new o-rings correctly sized. Just hand snugged with a dab of silicone grease on the o-ring's mating surfaces. I did have a bottle gauge seal let go, though. Wife and cats didn't respond well to that:eek:
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I have to take back what I said earlier about a leaky gauge seal. I assumed it was the gauge because I had just reinstalled it before the leak occurred. Wrong! The valve to tank O-ring let go right behind the gauge just like the OP's. Are these a common size in mm? My calipers say 18mm ID x 3mm CS on the blown out ring and valve stem. No spares on hand ....
