Hello members
I feel like a newby
This the kind of stuff I'm supposed to know already
Here goes
I have 2 tanks (90L & 60 minute) on which the fill set pressure release valves are no longer sealing properly.
My question are:
- Which seals do I use?
-Where can I find them

Attached are photos of the 2 release valves and the 2 tanks/fillsets


Release Valves 1.jpg

Release Valve 2.jpg

Tank 2.jpg

TANK 1.jpg
Just an observation and not a slam at all.
I see that there are what appears to be plier or water pump plier teeth marks on the knurled knobs.
If those are in fact teeth marks, it's very likely that you are closing the bleed valve much too tightly by using tools to close them and shortening the life of the Delrin by doing so.
The bleed valves should not need to be overtightened.
Just giving some advice, no harm meant.

Thanks for the advice @Revoman.
I do not consider this a slam at all
But those tooth marks are not from tightening, but from untightening the bleed screws when they are under pressure.
Tightening is by hand when there is no pressure on the screw before filling.