First off, $22 is a ridiculous price. My local dive shop charges only $9. Granted, I live in San Diego, the Mecca of dive shops, so there is a competition factor in play; but still! Dealing with dive shops is the reason I just bought an Omega Air Charger, and I couldn't be more pleased with it! Plus, I don't really trust those bozos with my $600 Omega 75 cu-ft 4,500 psi carbon fiber tank :-O! I am an avid airgunner, so an on-demand supply of clean, dry compressed air is a must. At $22 a pop, a compressor would be even more cost-effective for you than for me. (My apologies to all the competent dive shop operators out there; but if you were familiar with the dive shop with which I used to deal, you'd agree with my characterization!)